11- Percabeth at School

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*Set after the Giant war, kind of a two-parter to chapter 10*

"It's the perfect plan!" Jess told her friends. "We all know how Percy Jackson and that Annabeth girl are dating, and how they love each other sooooo much," she said, her voice practically dripping sarcasm, "but if we were to show Percy these..." Jess brought out five photoshopped pictures depicting Annabeth Chase hanging out with, cuddling, and kissing Alex Mason, the most handsome guy enrolled at Kingsley High.

"OMG! He'll totally fall for it," Mag agreed.

"Exactly," Jess smirked. "With this kind of 'proof', they're sure to break up. After all, when you're 18, well...we aren't made for long-term relationships quite yet."

"And when they do end it, of course he'll be devastated," Brett giggled.

"And you can console him, Jess. Give him a shoulder to cry on," Meg put in.

"And then he'll slowly get over Annabeth, and start to like you instead!" Brett finished triumphantly.

"Right!" Jess grinned. "So let's go!"

The three girls giggled once again, then went on the hunt for Percy Jackson, the hottest guy ever to walk the halls of Kingsley High School. He wasn't a student there, but he spent most of his lunch hours with Annabeth, who was enrolled. Eventually, they spotted his lean, muscular frame and his charcoal black hair. He was outside with Annabeth (no surprise there), laughing and smiling at her. Then he noticed the trio walking towards him, and nudged his girlfriend.

"What can we do for you?" he asked pleasantly.

"Oh... well, we... we thought..." Jess fake-stammered, putting on a mask of sadness. "Well, we thought we should... let you know. Y'see... we—"

"Oh, here!" Meg broke in, and thrust the fake pictures into Percy's hands, then glared at Annabeth.

With the blonde looking over his shoulder, Percy went through the photos once...twice...three times, then laid them down on the table and looked at Annabeth.

'Here it comes,' Jess thought triumphantly, a grin breaking across her face.

Percy continued staring at Annabeth, not saying a word, not moving.

Then, finally, he broke eye contact. He doubled over laughing, clutching his stomach. Annabeth, too, was hooting with laughter, and she had to sit down in the grass to avoid falling over.

The smiles on the girls' faces wavered.

"Wha...why are you laughing, Percy? She's cheating on you!" Brett exclaimed.

Percy looked up, obviously trying to compose himself. "You thought... I would...she was..." He couldn't finish. He lost control again, rolling in the grass, desperately trying to catch his breath.

Annabeth spoke up next. "You hoped... he would... dump me?" she managed, wiping tears out of her eyes. She and Percy had finally managed to sit up, still giggling.

Jess stormed off, fuming. Meg and Brett stayed behind for a moment, still a little confused by the whole situation.

"Oh," Percy spoke again, chuckling all the while, "tell Jess that she needs to work on her photoshopping skills, too."

Jess, honey, your mission was doomed from the start.

When I wrote this, I thought it was absolutely hi-freaking-larious. Now, I don't know what I was thinking. Ah well, whatever. I still wrote it, still proud of it, still gonna publish it.

You must be tired of reading this by now, but vote, comment, message me, whatever!

Vale! (Latin for goodbye)


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