13- Musical Percabeth

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*Set after the Giant War, I guess. Really, it could be after the Titan War, too...*

Annabeth growled. She just couldn't get the fingering for this piece! She'd taken up piano as a challenge for herself, and ended up liking it, but sometimes it frustrated her. A lot.

She tried once more, fumbled the chords, and angrily slammed her hands down on the keys, creating a loud, jarring, disharmony. She scowled again and pushed the bench back in disgust.

"This is impossible!" she yelled. She knew she was being childish, but she had been working on this one song all day, and still couldn't get it.

Just then, Percy, who had been watching, came over and sat down on the piano bench.

"Here," he said, "let me help."

Annabeth looked at him quizzically, but scooted over to make room. Percy looked at the music, then took Annabeth's hands, and put them on the keys. He laid his hands over hers and started to play, gently pressing down on her fingers.

He went through the piece slowly, then started over, a little bit faster. This continued until He and Annabeth were playing the piece perfectly, at full tempo.

"Now you try," Percy said to Annabeth, moving off the bench and gesturing to the sheet of music.

She took a deep breath and played the opening bars. It sounded perfect. She continued the piece, then started over and played it again. She let the last note die, then turned to Percy. "How did you do that?" she asked, staring.

"Do what?" he asked.

"The—the thing, where—you—you played with me. It worked. How did you know that would work?"

"Oh that. Mom used to teach me some songs on the piano when I was younger, to try and help my ADHD. It didn't really work, but I still remember the songs and everything. She used to do that hands trick with me, too, when I couldn't get the fingering," Percy explained.

"Well, it really helped," Annabeth admitted. "Thank you." She kissed Percy's cheek, and he grinned at her.

"Love you too," he said, then gestured at the piano. Grinning, Annabeth played the music perfectly once more.

Not sure what I think of this one. Ah, well. I love musical!Percy, so I wrote this.

Also, I'm in love with the photo at the beginning of this chapter. I think I spent five minutes just staring at it and internally screaming. I don't know who drew it, though, which makes me sad, because they're amazing and I can't tell them... :( 

Please let me know what you think of this! I wanna know how I can improve and put some good quality stuff out there.




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