part 1 scene unfolds

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Delhi heights head lines


Once again Anjali Singh Raizada has been honored as the most powerful woman in Delhi. 28 yrs old Anjali Singh Raizada owner of AR company was considered as the most powerful woman in Delhi. No public statement has been delivered by her for this honourable position. As she was well ahead of us we can't reach her family to share their happiness with us . She was like an magma . It was like the world revolve around her and we can't do anything against her wish, truthful to the title she has received "THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN".Although we felicitate her for this title. We wish her more success


Khushi finished Reading the newspaper .Her face was glowing. She was proud for that woman. Truth to be told Khushi considered her as her role model. Her plan was to work with her after completing her course in BA English literature in Delhi university.

She started to cut the article in the newspaper and pasted it on the wall where she had other newspaper cutting related to Anjali Singh Raizada. While admiring her she forgot the time. The big boom ( noise) from the kitchen make her to jerk from that place she started to move fast to the kitchen. The scene there make here face pale her buaji was lying on the ground covered by blood . She was standing there numb without doing anything. The frequent banging of the door make her to come out of numbness she ran towards her buaji crying out her name . No reaction from her. The banging became loud she began to move towards the door crying and searching for her phone in her bag . By opening the door she saw hysterical Payal with her brother Shyam .

Payal and Shyam began to ask what happened by seeing her condition they move towards the living room khushi started to move towards kitchen with Payal accompanied by Shyam by seeing buaji in that state they are terrified

Shyam began to call ambulance from his phone while Khushi and Payal tried to wake buaji by spraying water . They started to clear the blood and began to move her from the place since she is not waking up.

The ambulance arrived in ten minutes in that time khushi again tried to wake buaji but she didn't show any response . Khushi began to pack the necessity for them and some cash from her home . She didn't cry not even a single drop of tear fall from her eyes. Just worried look on her face with strong determination.

On reaching hospital buaji was taken to emergency ward. By checking on her doctor said her bp become too low due to stress and fatigue she just needed some rest all are relieved by it .

When buaji was shifted to ward they all went to meet her she was under sedative and sleeping . They heaved a sigh of relief.

Shyam received a call from his College asking his whereabout. He explained the situation to them and requested them for a leave but due the important lecture today they are neglecting his request. Time rolled on Khushi came out for the fresh air she saw Shyam argument and decided to check on him while moving towards him she heard that he was requesting for leave and it was not granted she moved in front of him and signal him to say ok and go to work. He made a negative face but she calmly signalled him to say ok finally by seeing her determination he decided to go to work. Saying his good bye he left the hospital and headed towards his college.

On the other side of the city Anjali Singh Raizada was in a grumpy mood she was breathing fire under her nose any body who stepped on the wrong foot now will have to face the wrath of her. Her manager came and informed about the upcoming meeting to her. She was in a rage but she decided to act professional in this situation and started to walk grumpily to the conference area..

To know why Anjali is in grumpy mood stay tuned.....

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