"What-what thing?" I asked her, literally pulling hairs out of my head.

"You and Jack," Mavis said. "In the closet. Hugging. You kissed his cheek. You kissed him Elsa."

I gripped my chest and looked at Hiccup, who had gone deathly pale. I turned over and chanced another glance at Johnny, Rapunzel and Merida, who were both choking on air.

So Crystal had been spying on us, that little two faced wretch!

"That's- that's not true!" I said, trying to cover up. Mavis rolled her eyes yet another time, fingering the fabric she was wearing.

"Yeh right. Cameras don't lie," she stated, waggling her fingers threateningly at me.

So this wasn't Mavis's fault. All the anger towards her bubbled right out of me, and then suddenly began shooting towards Crystal's direction. She was now on her phone, pressing some buttons, and then she turned her phone and the video came on.

"Jack," I muttered quietly, and I grabbed his arm and turned him around, staring at his eyes. They were watering, and thick, fat tears were oozing out of them, creating glittering tear tracks on his cheek.

"Shh, it's okay," I wiped his tears with my thumb, as if I was consoling a two year old toddler. I suprised myself so much when I suddenly went on my tip toes and then pressed my lips against his cold cheek.

He was very shocked at first, and his arms flew forwards to push me. But I think he had a sudden change of heart, and he wrapped his arms around me and burrowed his head in my shoulder and I patted his back.

"It's alright," I whispered in his ear. "I promise you, everything will be alright. I won't tell anybody about it."

I rubbed my chin against his soft hair and I heard him as he sniffed. He wiped his watery red eyes and I noticed his eyelashes were stuck together.

"Really?" he said. "You won't tell...anybody?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," I muttered.

We still didn't let go. Jack began tracing circles on my back as he thought, and he still kept his arms around my waist as he moved his head and stared at me.

"Thank you Elsa," he said, cupping my face with his soft hands. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, no problem," I said, staring up at him.

"You're not as half bad as I thought," he mumbled, looking slightly foolish.

"Your 00're not either," I said, growing red.

"And thats a lot coming from you, right?" Jack said.

I chuckled and then we hugged again, this time tighter.

Oh no. She was right. The entire- well, half of the thing- was recorded. I wanted to murder her. I hope to god that Rapunzel didn't hear what me and Jack were discussing though. Not just me- but he would be literally crushed and pounded to smithereens. I didn't want that- he didn't deserve it.

Everybody was laughing in my embarrasment now. I felt so bad. I wanted to die, right there on the spot. I felt my eyes water and now, instead of tiny tears of anger and frustration, thick, fat tears were falling down. I kept my lips pursed togethor so I wouldn't make a noise, but I let myself cry and didn't stop the flow. I couldn't help it. It just kept coming.

I covered my face with my hands and turned around, trying to hide myself. But then suddenly, the chitter-chatter stopped. The laughing died down almost immediatley. Loud, familar footsteps echoed in the silence, towards me. And I knew who it was.

the teenage life [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora