Café 29

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"It went well!" Mr.Park said, clapping his hand.

"Since Jimin is heartbroken, he will either try suicide or go far away from Korea." Mrs.Park said, Mr. and Mrs.Jeon looked at each other, hearing these words making it seem like the Parks really wanted their unknown son,gone.

"Oh..uh, excuse me, why would you let your son disappear?" Mr.Jeon asked, Mrs.Park smiled at him.

"Well, you see I wanted to be the heir of the Royal Company. Apperantly, father passed that to Jimin." Mrs.Park said, her teeth gritting.

"So you tortured Jimin because of that!?" A voice shouted, both family turned and saw Jungkook.

"You wanted something, and he has it. Does that give you the right to torture him!?" Jungkook screamed, his veins popping out of his neck.

"Does he even know about this? That his grandfather passed it down to him?"

Silence filled the room, as four eyes were directed to Jungkook.

"I bet he didn't. Because if he did, he would be more successful than you. Your father did a good job on passing the company to Jimin. He would be a more better heir than you." Jungkook spat before going out of the room.

"You do know you won't get Jimin back right? What's done is done. Don't forget. If he knew that you worked for us the whole time. Everything was planned." Mrs.Park said as she sips her wine. jungkook gritted his teeth before before turning around.

"Yeah, you're right. It was all planned. But my love for him was never planned. Never was and never will." He said as he went down the stairs.

"*sigh* i really wanted him to marry a girl and give me granbabies but...Jimin works too, I mean, I would date Jimin if I was a teenager myself" Mrs.Jeon laughed.

"Uhm? hello? im like, still here"MinHa said as she flips her hair.

"Look MinHa, just because you were Mr.Jeon's mistress, doesn't give you the right to strut your ass side to side in an expensive restaurant. Now scram." Mrs.Jeon huffed.

Yes,Mr.and Mrs. Jeon are together. But onlt for the sake of Jungkook and the social media.

They didn't want the other companies to know that the power couple has already divorced.

"Look, Mr. and Mrs.Park, your cruelness is way more worst than me and my ex-husband. I can't believe you agreed to this Jeon Jinhyuk" Mrs. Jeon said as she stood up and walked away.

"We lost 2 Jeons in one night, what a delight!" Mrs.Park laughed. Mr.Jeon glared at them.

Hoping that his glare would shoot lazers out and bury those two 6ft. under ground.

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