Café 10

451 39 19



who the hell dares to wake me up?

"Jungkook! wake up!"

I opened my eyes, squinting to see the person better.

"Oh...Hi hyung.." i muttered.



"we fell alseep yesterday, so we missed our work, which led to the HunHan couple having more time with each other, which led to costumers complaining about their PDA and lack of employees to serve, and the fact that there were CHILDREN in the CAFÉ!" jimin hyung panicked.


"dont ok me you asshole! The complaints have reached Jin hyung!" jimin cried,


"Yes, Life is Shit!" jimin shouted as he buried his head into the pillow.

"has jin hyung called?" jimin shook his head no,

"then? im sure it hasnt reach-"

ring ring

"Thanks Kooks,for JINxing (Holy shit, did you see what i did there?!😱😂 No? okay, bye)" jimin said, rolling his eyes before answering the call.

i mouthed, jimin glared at me before nodding.

'you're dead to me later' jimin mouthed, i winked at him, which made him turn the same color as the tomato.



|Don't hyung me Park Jimin!|

"We're sorry hyung"

|Forget about that Jimin, what were you guys doing that made you miss your shift?!|

"We were, uh-"

"I just wanted to spend my time with my boyfriend" I answered, jimin gasped, before slapping my arm.

"That's it, you talk to Jin-hyung, im gonna go take a bath" jimin said before giving the phone to me.

i chuckled, and turned the speaker mode off.


|That's not a goo- BOYFRIEND!? what have I missed? when!? how!?|

"Chill mom.." i chuckled

"He became my boyfriend last night, and I confessed to him. Chill."

|how can i  be chill?! both of my babies are together! this will be a problem..|

"What do you mean a problem?"

|I wasnt suppose to tell you but...Jungkook, remember Anne Young?|


|The woman whom I called Anne Young which you mistook for 'Anneyeong'|

"Oh, that woman, wae?"

|She...Joonie told me how your father wants you to be married...He chose Anne for you, Anne Young is a growing actress in America, and your father wants you and her to be engaged|

"Hyung, im not up for pranks or jokes at all" i said, before sighing.

|I wish i was joking, but im not. Im not suppose to tell you about her...Your father doesn't want you to have a  non-celebrity partner...That woman really pissed me off|

"What the hell!? when was I suppose to know this!? hyung!?" i shouted,

|Dont shout at me young man, you were suppose to know at your 'surprise' engagement party|

"Why would father do that!? he hasnt seen me in 2 years, and hasnt even asked my permission, whether i want to be married or not! does he even know im a bi!?"

|Yes, he knows, from what i heard of course-|

"Hyung! I dont want to be engaged to someone i dont even know! I just started my relationship with jimin!"

"eng-engaged?" someone gasped behind me, i turned around as saw jimin, with an over sized red sweater, which was mine. and black shorts.

"I'll call you later Jin-hyung"

|Jeon Jungkook, wa-|

I dropped the call before walking to jimin who was looking at me with sad eyes.

"wha-what were you and Jin hyung talking about?"

"He...talked to me about my fathers wish.."

"What is it?" jimin hyung asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist,

"his wish of me to get married" I said, jimin tensed in my arms.

"wh-what? so y-you're engaged?" jimin said, stuttering.

"I dont know... I wasnt suppose to know, but i wont let this get through us...I just got you?" i said, nuzzling my nose into his neck, smelling his scent.

"please dont leave me baby..." i said, kissing his neck, i peppered his neck with kisses, until he moaned.

"jimin...i dont want to be turned on right now... we just got together..."

"nggh, ah-jungkook, stop sucking my ne-ah, neck then" jimin said, as his hands we wrapped around my biceps.

"but taste delicious..." i whispered,

"f*ck you jeon" jimin moaned,

"I'd love to..."

jimin giggled before pushing me back, pecking my lips.

"you'll get the chance...just not now" jimin winkdd before running into then living room.


i groaned, but chuckling at the cuteness of my boyfriend.

Park Jimin.
My Boyfriend.

Hell, i aint letting go of this smol man.

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