8| 🎀

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"Woah this place is amazing!" Exclaims Mini as he stares up in the ceiling. Luke decided to check out this Gothic style church just to see how the inside looked like. "Yup, I knew it was gonna be great to look at" Luke replies Mini looking at a quiet Ryan. Evan waits for us by one of the exits as he stares out at the public. "You should go a company him, Jonathan" Ryan whispers to me as he passes me going to Luke and Mini.

Mini and Luke had picked up in a conversation and were chatting away. Ryan walked over and stood beside Luke, his hand hanging beside Luke's hand. Their fingers almost brushing against each other and it seems like Ryan was calling out silently to Luke. I smile softly at that view and turn around and walk towards the owl lover. I tap on his shoulder once I've reached him. Evan turns around and his eyes seem to lit up when he sees it's me. "Wanna go somewhere?" I ask him leaning close to his shoulder. A soft pink dusts Evan's cheeks and he nods "Let's ditch them and go somewhere else" Evan replies me.

"I saw a amusement park when we were walking to the church wanna go there?" I ask him. "Let's go" Evan replies and grabs a hold of my hand dragging me away. I laugh as I run holding his hand trying to keep up with his pace. "Shush raccoon boy, someone might hear that amazing laugh of yours" Evan tells me. I feel my cheeks heat up and my stomach starts doing those flips. Evan smiles and looks forward chuckling softly as he dodges people trying to get us to our destination.

A giggle leaves my lips and I wrap my arms around his arm putting us closer. "Now we won't lose each other quicker" I tell him when he looks at me after I wrapped my arms around his arm. Evan nods and stops running when we arrive at the entrance of the amusement park. "How many do you think they'll pay?" I ask him as we make our way to the ticket booth. "Don't worry I got enough money" Evan replies me as we wait in line.

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The soft wind breeze flows past us as we both watch the ocean waves hit the shore. After laughing hard and goofing off me and Evan decided to check out the ocean for a bit. I splash my feet a bit against the water splashing Evan. "Hey!" He exclaims with a soft chuckle as he puts up a hand to block the water. Like if the hand is gonna block any of the water.

Evan decides to splash me back and war is made. I swing my arm across the water and swipe it directly to Evan. The water splashes right onto his face and I turn around and run laughing. My pants get drenched and sag making it a bit difficult to run. I hear big splashes behind me indicating that the owl man isn't that far behind. I start leaping to run faster but soon arms wrap around my torso and I get pulled down to the water. I erupt in laughter and land on my right with Evan's arms around me. Soon I feel my cheeks heat up as I stare as the hands resting on my lap.

"Shit! My phone!" Evan exclaims unwrapping his arms from my body. He sits up quickly and pulls out his phone checking it quickly. I laugh "Mines waterproof" I tell him with a small grin. "Fuck! It won't turn on" Evan says looking at me with a smile. "Why are you smiling aren't you suppose to be mad?" I ask him laughing a bit. Evan chuckles and runs a hand through his hair. I feel my cheeks heat up more. "Yeah but somehow I'm not mad" He replies me sitting down beside me.

"They say to put your phone in rice so it could absorb the water" I tell him. Evan nods before replying "Yeah they've told me before". "Wait you've wet your phone before?" I ask him sitting up. Evan pushes me down and lays on top of me and nods his head. My stomach won't stop doing those famous flips. I chuckle softly and run my hand through his hair since I'm used to doing this to Indigo. Evan buries his face into my chest after I ran my hand through his hair. "Isn't this a bit gay?" I ask him with a soft chuckle. Evan looks up at me resting his chin on my chest. "Yes....But I like it here" He replied burying his face on my chest again. I smile softly as I continue to thread my fingers through Evan's hair.

A vibration in my pocket makes me slip my hand in and pull out my phone. Luke's name is displayed on the screen and I swipe it to the right. I place my phone to my ear, "Hello?" I ask. "Where the fuck are you!?" Luke exclaims onto the phone with Ryan's and Mini's voices in the back. "I'm at the beach ya fuck" I reply him. Evan looks up watching me talk on the phone. "Is Evan with you?" Luke asks, "Yes" I reply him and look at Evan with a smile. "I fucking knew it! Their probably-" Mini's voice gets cut off with a noise of someone falling.

"What just happened?" I ask them. "Nothing Mr. Ladd just tripped we're on our way to the beach" Luke replies. "Alright see ya" I tell him before ending the call. Evan had crawled up closer to me while I was on the phone so I didn't notice when his head was below my chin. His arms were wrapped around my torso as he laid on me peacefully. "The guys are coming" I told him hearing Evan respond with a soft whine. I chuckle softly and had the urge to peck his head. "I don't want them around.....Just you and me" Evan tells me. "Yeah but their coming,tomorrow it can be just you and me okay" I reply him. Evan nods and continues to lay on me.

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