5| 🎀

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"Okay so Luke's going to meet up with Ohm, but wouldn't some fans recognize our voices?" I ask Vanoss as I stare at my phone. I'm laying in bed with only boxers on because it's my house. Vanoss is stripping down to only boxers like me to sleep in while he stares at me. "Just try not to talk when fans are around" He tells me while crawling on the bed. I nod my head thinking about his suggestion it may and may not work.

Vanoss plops down on my left side sighing while closes his eyes, "Surprised to hear that Ohm is coming" Vanoss comments. I snap out of my thinking trance and look at him. I chuckle softly and turn off my phone after texting Cartoonz goodnight. "Yeah I am too, maybe Cartoonz invited Ohm" I suggest. Vanoss nods while he closes his eyes "Now don't be nervous these two up coming weeks, Delirious" Vanoss says.

"And don't call me Delirious at E3 please" I reply him while smack his bare arm. Their thick as fuck man, he's ripped wonder what he does to get those muscles. Vanoss chuckles and opens his eyes to look at me. "Does Delirious like feeling my muscles~" Vanoss questions sexually. "What!" I exclaim out blushing but soon smack the shit out of him with a pillow. "What none sense have you been thinking about, Vanoss!?" I exclaim while I hit him none stop. Vanoss only laughs as he tries blocking the pillow blows.

-                                                          -

"Hey Delirious" I hear Luke's voice call out to me while I place my grocery bags into the trunk of my car. "Jonathan, my names Jonathan not Delirious" I hiss at Luke for calling me out in public, especially at the parking lot of a store. How did he find me here anyway?

"Sorry sorry" Luke replies while chuckling as he apporches me. I close the trunk door and make sure its closed don't want any of the groceries falling out. "Anyway what did you need?" I ask him as I push the stopping cart to the drop off place. "Well are you going to need help packing up? Since it'll be your first time going somewhere else" Luke asks me. It is going to be my first time and I kinda am a little nervous, Okay who am I kidding? I'm fucking nervous I could suck a million dicks.

I may have passed the line, "Okay sure Luke" I reply him while I stand beside my car. "Alright! See you in a bit" Luke says before turning around and slamming into a car. Normally that would be me but maybe something is on his mind. Luke isn't the type to run into things unless there's something in his mind. "Okay toonzie what's wrong" I ask as I place a fist onto my hip. A smile dangerously tugs onto my lips as my laughter tries to burst out.

"Don't you dare laugh Jonathan" Luke growls at me rubbing his jaw. A farting noise escapes my lips making me hold them tight together.  "Jonathan!" Luke exclaims after hearing that farting noise leave my lips. "Well looks like I'm running late see ya Toonzie!" I say before leaping into my car and closing the door. Luke just flicks me off as he walks away making me laugh.

I pull out of the parking lot carefully not wanting to run over people. And then make my way back home in a silent car ride. It does feel weird not having my princess with me but she's back home with Vanoss playing or watching a movie. Thinking about Vanoss and Indigo interact with each other like father and daughter makes a smile tug on my lips. My stomach soon starts doing it's flips and it all started right after I thought about Evans soft features and ripped body. I sometimes worry that it's because I'm sick but I have a clear clue of what these flips are. They happened also when I fell for my princess's mother.

I park beside the house and get out as I hear little feet thump towards me. "Daddy!" My little princess calls out to me making me smile and look up. There she was charging towards me and from the shadows of the house there emerged Vanoss. "What did you bring?" My moonlight asked as she peaked into the hood of the car. "Some meats, fruits and your favorite bread" I reply her making her hug me.

"Thank you daddy, your the best" She tells me as she squishes her face into my legs. I laugh and ruffle her hair "So did you and Evan have fun?" I ask her. My eyes go back to Evan and see him smiling at my little one, "It was fun! We played super smash bros! I beat him three times!" My princess exclaims making me laugh. Evan chuckles "Yup she beat me she's like you Delirious" spoke the owl man.  "Is it true that he's in love with owls like you are with teddy bears?" Indigo asks making me look at her. "Yup, did the owl man tell you himself" I reply her as I hand Evan the bags.

"Oh he did!" Indigo exclaims as she grabs the lighter bags and walks into the house holding three of them. "Woah your strong like me" Vanoss exclaims trying to make her giggle. "Yup! Like you and daddy!" Indigo replies, I slam the door of the trunk and walk into the house. "Okay princess you know where to put the things, right" I tell her as I enter the house.

"Yes I do dad!" My princess replies while giggles as Vanoss picks her up. Helping her put away the food in the areas she can't reach. I smile as I watch them laugh and grin with each other. Who knew Vanoss could be so great with kids?

"Where does this go?" Vanoss asks my little moonlight while I get dinner ready. "Uncle Luke always says something about shoving it up my daddy's butt" my princess replies him making me freeze. "Indigo! When did Luke say that?" I ask her as I turn around to her. "He always says that when your in the bathroom while holding a glass soda or bottle" Indigo replies me.

Vanoss only errupts into laughter and has to hold his stomach because of the pain that came to him. 

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