Kagomes first mission

Start from the beginning


it's been four days on the path. Kagome has been ignoring me a lot recently. Women are so unpredictable I have no idea what I did to her? The worst part about it is that she's all over Neji. Well not really all over him she's just talking to him a lot and sitting with him. When I try talking to her she gives me short answers before going back to talk with Neji. I kicked the dirt as I walked in the back of the group Shikamaru slowed his pace so I caught up with him. "Someone's been having a bad couple of days, looks like the mutts in the dog house." He said laughing at my expense. I glared at him before glancing ahead to see Kagome laughing with Neji. "I don't understand it, before this mission we were fine. And now she won't even look my way! What the hell did I do?!" I asked looking at Shikamaru for answers. He thought about it for a while before sighing and rolling his eyes. "Women are troublesome.... sometimes they distance themselves for no reason at all. Just to see if you're really interested. Or maybe you did something to piss her off and she's punishing you for it. Who knows." He said before picking up his pace and walking back to his usual spot in the line.

Now that I think about it that does make sense, Shikamaru is usually right about these things so it would be wise to listen to him. Tonight I would apologize to her for whatever I did, I didn't want her mad at me and I couldn't stand another day with her ignoring me. I know this is a difficult time for her going back home I want to make sure I'm there for her every step of the way.

That night we set up camp in the mountains next to a river that flowed from the waterfall from Kagomes village. We had only one day left of walking before we would get there. After we set up camp and Neji and Shikamaru were asleep I found it difficult to doze off. I got up out of my tent and went outside to see Kagome standing on the water in the wide river looking up at the top of the mountain. She looked absolutely beautiful. The moonlight bathed her skin in a pale glow as the wind blew her hair softly. She held her hands close to her heart as she gazed up. I walked up close to her as she turned around noticing my presence "oh, Kiba. Sorry I thought everyone had gone to sleep already." She spoke as he moved her hair from out in front of her face. I stood in front of her on the top of the water as the wind blew her scent towards me. She looked up at me her grey eyes invading my mind.

I wondered if she knew she was all I thought about. "Walk with me yeah?" She asked grabbing my hand leading me to the other side of the river bank and through the woods. After about five minutes of walking we reached an open area where a giant tree grew. The ground beneath my feet was covered in thick soft moss and luminescent bugs fluttered around through the air. She turned towards me once we were in the middle of the clearing. "I used to come here at night when I was upset. I would disobey my mother and father and sneak out of the village and run down here. The atmosphere always calmed me." She looked around smiling fondly. "Kagome, I'm sorry if I've done anything to make you angry with me." I said as she looked back into my eyes. She chucked and spoke again "I was only teasing you, I'm not mad in any way. I'm sorry you thought that I was..." she said apologetically gazing up at me. The wind blew and it sent a shiver down her as her hands clasped her arms. "Are you cold?" I asked moving closer towards her. "A little..." she spoke slowly as our gaze deepened. "I can fix that."

I grabbed her hands and brought them up to my lips before planting gentle kisses on them. She remained eye contact as she blushed a dark red the atmosphere glowing from the moon. Petals floated down from the tree above. "That better?" I asked as I dropped her hands from my face but keeping them in my own hands. "Not quite." She said then swiftly brought her hands to either side of my face and pulled me down to meet her lips. I felt her cool lips meet the warmth of my own as we both closed our eyes sinking into this feeling. This kiss was unlike the one we shared before. It felt as if we were the only two people in the world and that nothing else mattered. It was as if the world stopped spinning for us if only for a moment. I knew then that I would do anything for her, even give my life if necessary.

I brought my hands to her waist and hugged her against me as she pulled our faces closer, our lips moving in sync. I wanted to stay in this moment forever but all good things must come to an end. "That's better." She said smirking at me as she dropped her hands from my face. I blushed widely at her boldness until she spoke up again "Kiba. I don't know what we will see tomorrow, or who the voice came from, but I'm glad you're here with me." I watched as she looked back up at the mountain. This journey was a difficult one for her and I had so much admiration for her strength. She had everything taken from her and yet she still managed to remain hopeful and put her trust in others.
"I'll always be with you." I spoke looking down at her once again. She smiled and held my hand. She led the way as we made our way back to the site. We moved quietly through the woods the world seemingly respecting the moment we shared. I would forever cherish this spot. When we arrived back at the camp we said our good nights. "Don't forget Kagome, I'm always here with you." I said as I poked the necklace that hung around her neck. She smiled and grasped it with her fingers. "Get some rest now we don't know what's ahead of us tomorrow." She turned away from me as we went into our separate tents for the night.

She was right. We didn't know what we were going to see, it could be a brutal mess. But I need to be there for her. I need to protect what it precious to me.

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