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Patience... Something I always lacked as a human being.
My lungs pushed out a long sigh as I adjusted in the front seat of this stolen car.

I was officially a criminal. Well.. Most would say.


"Were not robbing a bank. We have to find another way dont be ridiculous" Kyungsoo protested. Apparently my idea wasnt very well thought through for either of them

I scoffed "youre talking to me about bad ideas? You killed people for money" kyungsoos eyes narrowed as he took tiniest steps towards me. He wasnt far but it still felt like an eternity until he was up close.

"Do not. Fuck me off princess" He growled almost taking me back in time to when we first met.

Since then I have changed. Im not his toy anymore. I shoved him away and walked through the front door, taking yoongis gun unnoticed.

I made my way to the nearest car i saw and smashed the window using the back of the gun.

"Okay now uh this wire th- AHA" I exclaimed when I heard the engine roar.....

"Get on the fucking ground now" I screamed. Adrenalin rushed through my veins like it was my own blood. This was for my daughter. I had no choice.

"Put it in the bag hurry up I havent got all day do I?" I cocked the gun around rolling my eyes. Woman at the counter shook before me as she stuffed bills into the bag I handed her.

A part of me felt bad. The other part couldnt care less.

I grabbed the two bags and ran out. Only to be met by Kyoungsoo and Yoongi. 'Fuck'

*end of flash back*

Thats how I got to sitting in the car. Agitated as hell. While Kyungsoo was in there getting my child out.

I wasnt allowed to go in. Apparently Ive cause enough trouble.

Five minutes...ten...fifteen. Gunshots. My que.

I sprung out of the car. It mustve been three centuries before I got to the door. Out of breath. I burst in gun in hand making sure no one was blocking the way.

My breathing was out of control. The thought of my daughter being in danger was making me panic. I couldnt think straight. I ran around the halls of the old run down house searching for at least a living soul.

Another gun shot. This time though it was followed by a ear piercing roar. I knew exactly who it belonged to.

My lungs were close to stopping as I followed the echoing sound.

I finally found it. The room of doom some would say. I felt my whole world crumble. The last spark of light in me dimmed so much it was non existent.

My legs gave up and I fell to the ground Yoongi running up to me and pulling me into his arms.

Two bodies. Not one, two lay on the ground one was Gdragons and the other was my innocent daughters. Her lifeless figure lay limply in Kyungsoos arms covered in blood.

He finally managed to look at me. His eyes were red almost as if they were bleeding. He was crying his soul out for our daughter where I couldnt even twitch.

I couldnt cry. I couldnt think. I couldnt move.

My child was gone. Lying dead in her fathers arms. I think the fact that she died in his arms instead of mine bothered me the most. as horrible as it sounds. I havent seen her in months and now when I do, it's like this..

When I finally regained some of my strength and senses back I crawled over in their direction. Kyungsoo stared me down shaking his head mumbling the word 'sorry' over and over. I ignored him taking my daughters lifeless form into my arms. She felt so light and fragile. I held her gently as if she would fall apart if one wrong move was done. 

''My baby. my sweet sweet child'' I ran my fingers through her dark long hair my waterworks activated as I started to shake violently ''It's okay mummy is here girl. You'll be okay'' I rocked us back and forth. Maybe if I did this long enough she will come back.

I caught a glimpse of Kyungsoo standing up. ''We have to take her to the hospital'' I hiccuped finally facing Kyungsoo. 

He shook his head ''She's gone Min'' 

He crouched down attempting to take her from me ''NO WE TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL NOW'' 

I felt arms holding me back as Kyungsoo pulled Hyejin from my arms. I tried grasping her back but Yoongi held me tight ''no no you can't do this Kyungsoo we have to get her to the hospital'' My screams echoed through the wreckage of a house. 

''Minji shes gone let her rest now'' Yoongi kept repeating. 

Something took over me and I lost my shit, elbowing Yoongi in the gut hard enough for him to let me go. I ran out of the house. 

I started the car up and drove away. I didn't know where to but in the back of my head I knew it had to be far from here...


Hey. sorry that you had to wait so long for a new chapter only to be met by the ending but dont worry a sequel will be happening. Thankyou everyone for reading and joining me on this journey and all that blah blah.. I'll see you all in the sequeal ;) 

Psychotic Love X Kyungsoo X  |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora