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''kyungsoo! Kyungsoo please don't do this'' I screamed desperately at my boyfriend who currently had an innocent man pinned to the floor, one hand wrapped around his throat and the other holding a knife. ''shut up Min  I told you this isn't a fucking fairy tale. You stayed so stop complaining! Nothing will happen to us don't be scared. You can trust me Minji'' I flinched at his words.As much as I wanted to trust him this was not him.. It was but I thought he would change, like he promised. I stood there shocked watching as the mans life started to drain out of his eyes. I suddenly got my courage back. I ran towards Kyungsoo trying to pull him off the nearly dead man. ''Min fucking stop now'' I ignored his warning and continued to struggle pulling him off. suddenly he let go of the victim and turned to me instead. He fiercely grabbed my hair making me wince ''Look princess. Do not butt into things that aren't your business'' He pushed me to the ground with full force. I wasn't giving up though. ''Kyungsoo stop please'' I struggled up and walked back towards him. I always said that my stubbornness was going to get me into trouble and here I am. Kyungsoo Swung around pushing me against the wall with the knife at my throat. ''Don't make me do this'' I held my breath and closed my eyes. For the first time since I met Kyungsoo I was scared. ''Don't kyungsoo p-please plea-''

''Min for god sake wake up'' I felt myself being shook violently. My eyes shot open. ''Please don't touch me'' Kyungsoo moved back from me ''Min it was just a dream calm down'' Kyungsoo said looking worried. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I wasn't about to show a weakness. No way. I looked at Kyungsoo bits of my dream flashing back. I know. I know I was over reacting but it truly scared me. 

I must've been staring at Kyungsoo for a while when I noticed him shuffling uncomfortably under my gaze. I teared my gaze from him and focused on something else. ''Min talk to me what is it?'' Kyungsoo, almost whispered as he carefully made his way towards my shaken form. ''It was just a dream. You can tell me. You can trust me Minji'' I shivered as those words echoed in my head 'You can trust me Minji'  Can I? It was a god damn dream so why am I being so overly dramatic. 

''You made me scared of you'' I turned my gaze back to a stressed looking Kyungsoo. He ran a hand through his hair. A sigh escaped his lips. ''I'm sorry'' Those words rolled off of his tongue so effortlessly. I was struck by a wave of guilt. I didn't mean for him to be sorry, he didn't have a reason to be. It was just my over active imagination. 

I pushed myself up from my bed and made my way towards him ''don't be. Its not you're fault. You have nothing to say sorry for. It was just a dream.'' I hugged his waist nuzzling my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head making me feel safe and content. It was just a dream...

''lets go out to eat okay?'' I smiled as I felt Kyungsoo's voice vibrate against my cheek. I looked up at my boyfriend still wrapped around his waist and nodded. He leaned down pecking my lips before taking his arms off his waist. I pouted suddenly feeling cold. ''Yah now I'm cold now'' I whined jumping back into my bed and wrapping myself in one of the blankets. '' Come on jagi go shower you stink'' I completely ignored his remark and stayed still in my comfortable position.

I felt the bed sink beside me, meaning kyungsoo was near. I clutched my blanket tighter to avoid him ripping it off me. ''Minji'' He complained. I smiled, which I seemed to do a lot when he says my name. Standing my ground though. I didnt budge. I felt his breath on my ear making a shiver run down my spine. ''Babe'' He placed his lips gently on my jaw. I let out a small sigh. Even though my back was facing him I could still see his smirk very clearly. ''Jaagii'' His voice was low and husky in my ear it was driving me crazy. ''Stoop'' I finally faced him sitting up. ''and take that smirk off your face'' His expression didn't change though. 

He brought his face close to mine. It felt like he was staring into my soul. His eyes trailed down to my lips and then back up to meet my eyes. Was he seriously asking if he could kiss me. ''kiss me already'' Kyungsoo didnt hesitate before slamming his lips on mine. Pushing me down slowly back on the bed I tangled my fingers in his hair giving them a tug. Kyungsoo sighed in frustration making me smirk this time. I pulled him down so that there was no space between us. 

His lips left mine in need of air. He smiled down at me yet again staring at me. ''You're so beautiful'' I felt myself blush. He managed to make me blush. This man. I pushed myself up so that I could reach his lips but he beat me to it as he pushed me back down again his lips meeting mine once again. He moved to my neck making a small moan escape my lips. He trailed small kisses back up to my lips again. ''You're such a tease you know that'' All I got back was a ''mmhhmm'' and a bloody smirk.

I was about to kiss him again when the doorbell interrupted. Kyungsoo almost growled as he got up off me letting me go to the door. ''Tell the cockblock to get the fuck away before I make them'' I turned back before exiting my room to see Kyungsoo sitting on my bed with a pillow on his crotch. I laughed and walked away leaving him there. He can handle his problems alone.

I fixed my hair up before opening the door. ''Jongdae ah I missed you''...  

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