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*Still at the coffee shop*

We were sat in the very back corner of the cafe as Kyungsoo said it was for 'safety' Of course I didnt oblige well because I didn't want him dropping me somewhere in the middle of Daegu. 

''yeah but I thought I was alone and-'' Kyungsoos laugh died down as my apparently funny story got interrupted by his phone ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket looking at the caller ID ''Oh it's Yoongi'' He said before getting up to leave outside where it wasnt so noisy.

I sighed slouching down in my seat to stretch my stiff body. I stared into space thinking about all the different scenarios that could happen in Kyungsoos situation. 1. We could just end up moving out of the country. 2. He will be safe here or 3. He'll get caught meaning he will spend the rest of his life in jail.

I groaned palming my face. ''Ah Min you always choose the perfect men don't you'' I mumbled to myself quietly. I guess I was being stupid. My boyfriend is a criminal. I ran away with him instead of running away from him. Why? Thats something I myself would like answered. I could always just sneak out of his friends house and go back home although what if he then tries to kill me, would he do that? 

''Okay so Yoongi is coming to meet us here and take us to his house'' Being snapped from my thoughts I saw Kyungsoo back in his seat. ''O okay'' I slightly smiled. I don't know what got into me but I was suddenly regretting my decision of tagging along, this wasn't a vacation. I was officially a culprit, even though I didn't do anything I helped him runaway a criminal. I felt sick. 

''Are you okay'' Kyungsoo stood up rushing to my side. ''Yeah why?'' I said sloppily. I was really tired all of a sudden. ''You're shaking what's wrong Minji'' I slowly got up off my seat showing Kyungsoo I was perfectly fine. Even though my legs were feeling kind of heavy. ''I-I just  need to go to the bathroom'' I made my way across the nearly empty cafe with Kyungsoo right at my heals. ''I'll be out here if you need anything'' I waved at him saying okay.

I stared at myself in the mirror ''I do seem a little paler than usual huh'' I turned the tap splashing water on my face. As soon as my head got back up from the sink it started to spin making me tumble. Before I could fall I caught on to one of the stall walls ''Ha that was close. Now get yourself together Kim Minji'' I spoke to myself. I took a deep breath and limped back to the sink to turn the tap off. I dried my face and made my way to the door.

''I'm tired thats what it is'' I reassured myself as my legs struggled to carry me. I was at the door when a wave of dizziness washed over me making me loose balance altogether this time ''Fuck Kyungsoo please'' I was sat on the ground with my head in my hands trying to get the spinning to stop. 

A gush of wind rushed past me as the door was swiftly pushed open by Kyungsoo. He crouched down beside me making me look at him ''I asked you if you're okay you said yes you fucking idiot. What if you passed out and hit your head''  I stayed feeling guilty for worrying him. He sighed and put my arm around his shoulder as he pulled me up. He let me go once I regained my balance. 

 I rubbed my temples trying to make my head stop hurting. ''Come on'' I nodded as Kyungsoo opened the bathroom door making his way out. We grabbed our stuff from our table leaving money for our orders there. ''Yoongi should be here soon let's go wait outside'' I once again nodded not sure if I was able to speak, I just felt so sick. 

We stood outside the cafe waiting for Yoongis arrival, me clinging on to Kyungsoo as he demanded in case I feel dizzy again. ''Should I take you to the doctors'' I instantly started to shake my head no ''no no I'm fine'' My fear of hospitals spoke for me. Kyungsoo kissed the top of my head and made me stand up straight staring at me intently.

''You look awful'' Such kind boyfriend I have. ''I feel awful but It's fine i'm just tired trust'' Before he could speak a car pulled up along the sidewalk honking at us. A man got out with a smile on his face. He was about Do's height and had a very well sculptured face. Kyungsoo sure has handsome friends. 

''Kyungsoo it's been a while you're Minji right?'' He sent a smile in my direction ''Yeah nice to meet you'' ''Go in the car okay'' Do commanded. He took grabbed my waist from behind as if to hold me up and opened the door for me I gladly stepped in taking a deep breath when I finally sat down. Yoongi and Kyungsoo were still talking outside as I felt my eyes get heavy with exhaustion. 

I was brought back awake when both front doors of the car opened and shut. Kyungsoo turned back at me eyeing me down ''How are you feeling?'' I shrugged putting my head back. ''Wait let me get in the back'' Kyungsoo stated right before yoongi started the engine. He crawled into the back seat beside me making me lay my head on his lap. I saw Yoongi smile into the rear view mirror before starting the car and driving to his apartment. 

I'm not exactly sure how long the ride was but I woke up in a bed in a room I've never seen before. ''Oh yeah Yoongis house'' I whispered to myself. I jumped as something beside me moved. I looked to my left on the bed was a sleeping Do patting his arm around the spot where I was meant to be. I let out a quiet laugh when he shot awake his eye wider than usual.

Relief washed over him as he saw me looking at him with a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. ''I thought you left. How are you feeling'' He pulled me down and closer to him ''Better. Did you carry me to bed?'' His eyes were closed as he responded with a hum. I pouted as I realized he fell asleep and I was wide awake with no one to talk to.

I tried to get out of his grip but he only tightened it. Damn Kyungsoo. I groaned in frustration wriggling around ''Fucking hell Min go to sleep'' He said opening one eye, glaring at me. I glared back and started to wriggle again ''Let me go'' I whined ''nope'' Whos the stubborn one now. ''Do I need to pee'' I pushed out my bottom lip and poked his cheek ''No you don't stop lying'' He pulled me even closer making me groan once more ''I really do'' I pushed him away ''I'll let you go is you give me a kiss'' I rolled my eyes before pecking his lips quickly ''is that it?'' I gave him a death glare and he gave in letting me loose. 

I walked into the lounge room and was greeted by Yoongi watching T.V. He looked up as he acknowledged my presence and smiled ''Why aren't you sleeping do you need anything'' He pushed himself up off the couch. ''Wheres your bathroom?'' I smiled sheepishly at him as he led the way. ''There you go Ill be in the kitchen if you need me'' I nodded before shutting the door.

I was feeling kind of peckish so I decided to ask Yoongi for some food ''You're hungry right?'' He questioned as I appeared in the kitchen ''Yuupp'' I smiled and sat at the table. After debating on what we should have at 2am we decided on some spicy noodles.  

I was enjoying my meal when Yoongi spoke up a hint of seriousness in his voice ''There's a thing or two I want you to know about Kyungsoo''..

*YO OKAY so I'm sorry about the long chapter and I know it pretty much led to nowhere but the next chapter will be better I promise

Also I'd like to thank @kyungsoorbetfor making a cover for my book <3

Anyway see ya. V*

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