~16~ (pt.2)

295 11 4

D.O p.o.v

Exhausted me and Yoongi slumped down on a park bench. We scanned the entire city or at least half, three times. I really hoped Min was just wandering around somewhere though the possibility of my so called best friend Chanyeol having her 'hostage' was most likely right now.

Why did I put quatation marks around 'hostage'? Well because,  Chaneyol isnt a bad guy really. Probably the nicest youll meet. But. He decided to think that I tried kill his friend.. uh. Baekhyun was his name. I obviously didnt, I dont work like that but he decided that I did and now Min is having to eat it up for me.

I groaned "Does he think that if he kidnaps her Im just going to automatically know where she is or some shit?! He really didnt think this through" Yoongi though it didnt seem funny to me, chuckled beside me. "He didnt think it through. Im sure he didnt even want to do such thing hes far too nice. But what do I know" I nodded agreeing with Yoongi.

We decided to drop in and get coffee its curently 5am and we got zero sleep but its for Min so its a must.

Minding my own business while I toom sips of my coffee someone bumps into me "ah im sorry sorry" The familiar voice said bowing. I examined the person infront of me and before I could speak he interrupted "Kyungsoo?" His eyes widened. Baekhyun.

Suddenly a smile crept on my lips as I got the perfect plan and a very easily done plan may I add. "Baekhyun" Yoongi said from beside me. I wasnt sure who was most surprised out of the three of us right now but that wasnt the topic right now.

"Listen I know this is random but do you have Chanyeols adress?" "Uh why?" I rolled my eyes. Cant he just give me the adress. "He has kyungsoos girl" Yoongi spoke beating me once again.

Baekhyun as wide eyed as he already was widened his eyes in shock "why would ge do that?!" He almost squeked. "Because he thinks I tried to kill you or some shit" I pinched the bridge of my nose sighing. If hes going to constantly be asking pointless questions then were never going to find Min.

Without thinking of my next step I grabbed Baekhyun by the collar of his jumper and held him tight "alright youre gonna lead me to Chanyeol or I swear to god youre going to regret the day your mother gave life to you" I growled through gritted teeth.

Yoongi pulled me back and Baekhyun took a huge gulp of air and nodded so quickly youd think his head would fall off. "He-he recently rented an old worn out house not too far from here" he stuttered.

"Great lead us there" I commanded taking a step closer to him. "O-okay but we have to take my car it-its just round the corner" He pointed to the corner of the street. I let him go first,  never taking my eyes off him. He could flee any second.

~~~~ rumpumparamparam~~~

We parked outside an old house. It looked like no one lived in it for years. I cringed at the thought of Min being locked in there somewhere.

"Okay im gonna go now" Baekhyun whispered about to get back into his car. I grabed his arm with a tight grip "no youre not. Youre my exchange gift come on" I pushed him towards the direction of the door. I told Yoongi to stay outside and sneak in to look for Min. In case something went wrong.

"Knock" I hissed pushing the knife more into Baekhyuns coat making a hole through the fabric. He didnt hesitate and banged the door urgently.

Soon enough the door opened to reveal Chanyeol. As soon as he saw me behind Baekhyun his eyes went wide "Where is she" I threatened putting the knife up to Baeks throat. I didnt want to hurt this guy but this was my only way to bribe Chanyeol.

"Shes in the back room heres the keys just dont hurt him please" His hand shook as he held the keys towards me.

I grabbed them and pushed Baekhyun into Chanyeol making the slightest dash on his neck. He hissed in pain as I ran past them looking for the back room where Min supposedly is.

Now that I think about it this was strangely easy but it didnt matter as I was close to getting Min back.

Minjis p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of keys rattling at the door. Thinking it was just Chanyeol "checking" up on me again I closed ny eyes and lay back down. The floor wasnt exactly clean but my head hurt and I was tired.

"Babe" I heard a familiar voice breath out from next to me. My eyes shot open as I flung myself onto kyungsoo "you came for me" I whined. I was so over the moon to see him. "Of course I did now come on lets get out of here"

Kyungsoo got up and I followed his move only to be stooed by a click. "I dont think youre going anywhere" I froze as I saw Chanyeol pointing a gun at me.

"you hurt him" He almost growled. Hurt who? What? "Now I will hurt the one you love" Yep and before I realised it the sound of the gun being fired filled my ears.

"Fuck ah" Wait I didnt say that? I uncovered my ears and opened my eyes to see Kyungsoo holding his stomach. "Wait no no no Kyungsoo no fuck fuck what do I do" I panicked as I saw blood oozing out of my boyfriend.

"You fucking shot him" I screamed at Chanyeol who was standing still. Shocked at his owm actions "I- I didnt mean to I didnt know this was loaded I fuck" He dropped the gun and fell to the ground.

I ignored him and knelt down beside D.O "Dont leave me please" I cried. Maybe it seemed like a cliche kdrama but this was real and I was lost not knowing what to do.

He let out a shaky laugh and pushed me out of the way. "Come on buddy lets get you to a Hospital"

I never even noticed Yoongi was here. WAIT A HOSPITAL? "But theu know who you are!" Yoongi shrugged as if to answer for him "Its either jail or death right now" ..


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