It was short but it was all I needed to confirm my suspicions that Benny was actually pretty cool. And if it wasn't enough then Dean's wide grin was, he was obviously proud of his friends behaviour and happy not everyone was giving me the same abuse Azazel was. We actually spent the rest of the lesson talking, Benny included. Sadly as soon as we were out of the classroom they immediately disappeared down the corridor in fear of being spotted with me. 

People always depict school hallways as hubs of activity, kids leaning against lockers chatting and laughing. This is half true. But what they never show is how daunting it can be especially if you're walking through them alone.

A lot of the time I'd have Charlie with me but she was at a book club on Wednesday lunchtimes. I'd considered joining but supposedly it's social suicide, especially if you're already at the very bottom of the school popularity ladder. That's what I loved so much about Charlie, she didn't give a shit what anyone thought of her. I wish I was more like that, then maybe I wouldn't care so much about Lisa and the other girls' snide comments.

They strutted passed me as I was on the way to the toilets and each sneered, even Hannah.

"Careful girls, don't get too close, he might give you his disease." Lisa hissed. I rolled my eyes, as the other girls cackled, and tried to act like I wasn't bothered. I wanted to fight back but I knew it wasn't worth it. Plus I couldn't hurt Hannah again, not like last time.

"Ugh what a freak." Lilith added for good measure.

I carried on walking avoiding confrontation and soon the girls were far behind me. I knew it was the 'right' thing to do but this was getting tedious. Charlie said I should stand up to them, but that was easier said than done.  

But the insults from the girls weren't the worst of it. The boys were just as bad. Even just random boys from my class would move away from me at all costs, afraid I would magically fall in love with them if they got too close. Not to mention the constant beatings from Azazel and sometimes even his friends. 

It was that Friday that I was stopped by Azazel in the car park again. I'd started trying to leave earlier to avoid him but it was pointless and he soon caught on. 

"Where you going fag!" he yelled as I quickened my pace. I tried to run, I'd rather be called a coward than get beaten up again. But my attempts were useless. I was running against members of the football team anyway, I didn't stand a chance. Dick and another boy Uriel quickly caught up and stopped me just as I reached the gates.

"Just leave me alone, I've not done anything to you." I pleaded as Azazel drew nearer.

"Nobody wants a fag in the class that's what you've done. You're a fucking disease. Why don't you just go somewhere where people actually want you."

I winced. I'd love to move schools if I could, start over where no one knows me or my secrets. But that would mean I'd need my parents permission and for their permission I'd nave to give a good reason. I couldn't exactly tell them that I wanted to move schools because I was being bullied for being gay.

"Don't you guys have something better to do, like creep on girls or brag about how you're failing school." I shouldn't have said it and I regretted it the moment the words left my mouth.

Azazel landed the first punch directly at my lip. I felt the skin split and winced as a trickle of blood emerged. Before I could even recover he punched again, this time lower right in my gut. Then another to my side.

The punches continued until I was couched down one arm wrapped around my face the other around my stomach. It would have gone on longer if it wasn't for the school bell indicating the end of school.

"Dude." Uriel hissed and Azazel nodded. They then walked away. Simply left me crouched in a ball on the floor as all of the kids from our school flooded though the front doors, desperate to get home as soon as possible.

I knew I couldn't stay there, as much as I wanted to. So I forced myself up off the ground and stumbled back to lean against the wall by the front gates. I focused on catching my breath. I could taste the metallic blood in my mouth. I felt like the world was spinning as younger kids bounded passed me so happy to be free of school for one more day.  

Suddenly a car pulled up next to me. Ugh go away, I didn't want someone to see me in this state. The car horn honked. And despite wanting to walk in the opposite direction I turned to properly face the car.

It was black. It was a black impala. Great just great.

I saw Dean roll down the window and struggled over to talk to him. "Dude you're bleeding!" He said immediately alarmed when he saw me properly.

I nodded.

He then opened the passenger seat door. "Come on, I'll give you a lift home."

Quick A/N: Hey so I quickly wanted to say, firstly sorry this was a bit later than usual, I just went back to school and things have been sort of crazy, but I'll do my best to upload as regularly as possible. And secondly, this fic has over 100 reads already! I know that doesn't seem like much but I didn't expect anyone to read it in the first place so thank you thank you thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy what else I have planned! Xxx 

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