"Lets hope not for our sake." Haruhi replied making it clear the discussion should end there before anything happened to them.

"Well this surely has turned from a joyous event into a scary and depressing one." Hikaru pointed out to his twin as everyone else got out of the car and headed into the airport where they would meet Tamaki.

"Tell me about it." Kaoru replied getting out of the car to follow the others for the moment of truth.

"So do you know where exactly Tamaki will be coming from?" Haruhi asked looking at Kyouya, because he was the most reliable one for things like this, for an answer.

"Over there!" Honey replied pointing in what looked like a random direction to the other host club members.

"How do you know that Honey-senpai?" Haruhi asked turning to the pint-sized host. Honey just pointed in the same direction. Haruhi and the others turned and made different sounds of realization as they saw cameras flashing and heard girls swooning for who could only be Tamaki.

"That's how Haru-chan." Honey replied scampering in the direction of the swooning ladies and flashing lights with a large smile on his face.

"If I didn't know Honey-senpai personally, I would swear to god he was Tono's little brother." Kaoru said as the rest of the host club followed at a less than excited pace.

"Tama-chan!" They heard Honey squeal from further up ahead as they made their way through the crowds of people.

"This crowd is never ending!" Haruhi growled trying not to get squished in between all the people around her.

"That's what happens when boss is on the loose." Hikaru pointed out as he tried to keep sight of the smaller blonde boy that was, somehow, making it through everyone with ease.

"So tell me, why didn't we just wait until Tamaki-senpai came out of the crowd instead of trying to walk through it?" Haruhi asked in annoyance.

"Because knowing Tamaki, he never would have come out." Kyouya replied just before he crashed into someone, or rather said person went flying into him, and nearly lost his balance.

"Kouyaaa!" Came the squeal that couldn't have been anyone but Tamaki cried out burying himself into the other's clothing as though he hadn't seen him in a century.

"Welcome home Tamaki." Kyouya replied not bothering even trying to get the mess of a blonde off of him aside from the uncomfortability of the position, Kyouya found he didn't terribly mind it that much.

After fighting their way through the crowds of people and finally getting out of the airport all the host club members were at least a little out of breath. "Lets never repeat that again. I feel like I've been stepped on by an elephant!" Kaoru whined sitting down on a bench.

"I agree, that

unpleasant, next time I'm taking a

plane that doesn't land in a public airport." Tamaki agreed slumped against a wall running his hand through his golden hair and yawning. It seemed like it had been forever since they saw their king but he seemed a little off from how he normally acted.

"So how was France?" Honey asked as Tamki tiredly dragged his large suitcase to the car.

"It's changed a little but not much and I got to see a lot of old friends again so over all I think it was a good trip. Of course there were some downsides to it but I had a lot of fun with everyone." Tamaki replied as a butler shoved the suitcase, with trouble, into the back of the car and then opened the door for Tamaki and his friends.

"Senpai," Haruhi began effectively getting the kings attention after everyone was in the car. "Why did you go to France in the first place?" She asked trying to cover the worry in her voice.

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