Not Yet

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Okay hi readers, this is an OHHC fic and no I don't own it, if I did then it would be way different and I wouldn't be writing fanfictions about what else Oh! I do except criticism and all that glorious stuff because I like knowing how I can better my writing. KyoXTama pairing. It's based off the anime in most parts not the manga even though I like the manga better. There are some things that are from the manga though that aren't in the anime they are pretty obvious. Please enjoy and if you have an opinion on it, leave a review and what not. Thanks as always -Len-kun

Kyouya kept a stern eye on the host club members. It was his job after all as the vice president or so he saw it that way. It was a way to impress other people, namely the fathers of his fans, by keeping everything in order that the head of the host club imagined for them to do. He made sure everything worked out and that nothing happened that wasn't according to the plan. Of course that job can be tricky when the host club president springs things on everyone at the last second possible. Suoh Tamaki, said president, was the largest airhead the Kyouya had ever met in his life and he had the chance of meeting a fair amount in his relatively active life. Keeping that boy, because there was no way Kyouya would soon if ever be calling him a man, under control was almost impossible. The other members he could deal with but Tamaki was just over the top stupid. "So what do you think Kyouya?" Hikaru asked tilting his head to the side along with his twin Kaoru. He had just proposed the idea of going to see their king, who was going to be at the airport soon, come home to Japan again.

"I suppose that is a reasonable idea, of course we would have to leave right now if we wanted to make it there on time." The shadow king replied closing the black notebook in his lap. The twins nodded and rushed off to pester Haruhi and the other two members, Honey and Mori, about leaving. Tamaki had rushed off to France for a while for reasons unknown to the host club but Kyouya doubted they were good reasons like Renge and the twins had dreamed up while he was away.

"Kyouya-senpai, I think we are ready to go." Kaoru announced, before Kyouya got up from his chair and nodded to them.

"I wonder if he brought back presents!" Honey thought aloud as he sat on Mori's shoulders before they walked down to the parking lot where they would be picked up from the school grounds. School had ended already but the host club had special permission to be on the grounds after hours so they could plan their next events after school.

"We don't even know why he left though, that's kind of worrying." Haruhi mumbled mostly to herself.

"I hope he's not being engaged to that Tonare girl again, that was hell to deal with." Hikaru grumbled making everyone else pause for a second.

"I doubt he would do that again, his grandmother doesn't have any power over the family anymore remember? Even if she wanted him to it's not like he would have said yes because he has no reason to. He can go to France as he pleases now and his mother is well enough to come to Japan on her own last I heard." Kyouya assured the others after feeling his own chest tighten at the possibility.

"It's not as though he even liked Eclare to begin with anyway, she was a meanie." Honey added in just to lift everyone out of the sudden depressing idea that the words "engagement" and "Eclare" brought upon everyone.

"I suppose we'll soon find out." Haruhi tried sounding as though it didn't bother her but she was having doubts either way.

By the time the car rolled into the airport parking lot, the host club was silent and deep in thought on why Tamaki actually

left them in the first place. The little discussion they had showed them that none of them had gotten any information on

the king was leaving, just that he was leaving and would be back on this day. "Tama-chan was only gone for a few weeks, that's not long enough for really anything to happen right? Did he just go because he wanted to?" Honey asked, careful in what he was saying since it seemed that Kyouya would snap soon by the dark aura he was emitting in the car.

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