Chapter Sixteen.....You humiliated me now you humiliate yourself

Start from the beginning

      I wondered whether Jerk had a younger brother? It was weird how I had been neighbours with Jerk for about three months now but had not come across any of his family members. I was starting to get curious as to how they looked like in person. Would they have any similarities to Jerk in terms of looks or personality? I laughed at the funny thought of a family filled with mother-faced Jerk, father-faced Jerk and sibling-faced Jerk.

      I saw Jerk looking down at me through the window of his room with a cocky evil smirk. I turned my back on him, strutted towards my house, kick a random rock and banged my house doors close angrily. I took a shower, ate one of my mum's delicacies which was spicy macaroni with sliced meatballs and sausages, plus a little added veggies. NYUM! Just saying it makes my mouth pour. Then I prayed my maghrib prayers with my family and went to my room to get started with Jerk's worksheets. It's about six and a half pages long. I yawned.

     Suddenly, a random idea kicked in. I wrote down all fake formulas with wrong steps and solutions. I tried to make my handwriting messy, similar to that of a guy's handwriting. I giggled evilly. Jerk said "finish it up" NOT "finish it up WITH the correct answers" . That's a mistake on his part. Anyone could have interpreted it wrongly, right?!

     When I was done to the six and a half pages, another idea came in. I then wrote in the remaining half blank pages with big bold letters.


     I went to sleep with a smile and prayed that Jerk will not take note on the fake wrong answers and especially on the last page with that evil note which no doubt Mr Izzat, the most strict teacher, would come across.

     Mwahaha. Jerk, let's see if you are as brave as you said you were.


     The next morning, I woke up from a terrible nightmare again. Part of it it was about Ahraqah. But even more than that, I dreamt that I was in a huge creepy house where I sensed other creatures besides Ahraqah as well. "Audhzubillahi minash shaitaanir rajim (I seek protection from Allah from the accursed Satan)." I spat lightly on my left side as my mum had once taught me that Islam teaches if we were to wake from a bad dream, we should read the doa as mentioned and spit just a little on our left and it will hit the devils like balls of fire.

     'Oh Allah! I so don't anticipate today, but I do anticipate the part where Jerk might potentially get killed by Mr.Izzat or severely scolded and punished.'

     I took a long calming cold shower (I never shower with hot water) and got dressed. I wore a black cardigan with a grey long T-shirt inside which wrote 'I will survive today and sleep tonight'  which I found comical and fitting for my day. I also wore my usual dark jeans, a cool dark shawl which covered all the way to my chest like the way I liked it and my silver watch that almost looked like a bracelet.

     I prayed Suboh and ate breakfast with my family. My parents can't stop talking about how excited they were that Toyyibah was soon going to be a primary school student next year at Greenfield Primary School. Mine now is at Greenfield Secondary School. Hmph, whaddaya know. My lil superbly cute plus innocent sis will be following my footsteps soon. I just hope there's no Jerk-alike in her school otherwise I'll have to come rescue her like a woman Muslim armour in black.

     I accepted my father's offer to send me to school with his car as I don't want to risk any chances of getting chased by Snoopy again. A torture less is a happiness gained (wait is that how the saying goes?? Oh, whatever). Me and My father went out together. I stopped by Jerk's house for a moment to send back his worksheets. I try to hide, or rather control my evil excited expression from showing. I had practiced faking innocence while talking to the mirror when I took my shower earlier so hopefully I will make it through.

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