Hello again

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Well, sorry. 

I did not want to be out for a week or so, but that's what it turned into.

As I've said before, I've been having some trouble with a friend, but it is all good now. 

Life is something crazy, is it not. 

Life and bring you down, and smack you silly, and leave you in who knows where. 

But you just need to make the best of it. Life for me has ran me to my ending point. 

I've been missing people, and some more then others. 

I've been all over the place, and stressing my self out. 

Last week I was in Missouri. I was there for about, 10 hours, and then I had to leave. 

We were there, meeting with a family member. We met half way. 

They came from Michigan, and we came from Texas. 

It was fun, but it did have some down sides. But I won't get into those. 

But life right now, it's great. I'm going down to a different part of Texas to meet up with some friends. 

One of which is HoOthe7 or Madison Taylor. 

I have not seen her in so long, I've completely forgot what she looks like. Sure I talk with her over the phone, but I'm the type of person that likes talk to the person him/her self.     

So I'm going to be seeing her this week end, along with my friend Claire, who invited me to stay over night at her place. 

Happy birthday Claire bear. We love you and we will never stop. 

You have most likely seen her if you  watch my youtube. She is in "They took my phone" series. 

They are amazing and I hope to make some more vids with them. They are amazing. 

Well I have to run, I will update Missing son and go for it later. Bye. 

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