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Well, you'll never know what I did today.  But, I'm going to tell you. 

I went on a Buc'ees run. Now what that is, is that we pile into a van, and go to Buc'ees. Does that make sense?

We don't do it for any reason then to have fun. Me, Ellen, Tyler, and Lehe were all sitting in the back of the van. We also had Grant, Cooper, Mikel, Mel, Tom, Grace, Jony, and one more. I can't remember they're name! I had to study them! Yet I can't remember the last ones name.;(

But it was a blast guys. So I've never been on one of these before, and I'm going to do it again! It is so fun, Y'all. 

You know that Buc'ees is one of the biggest tourist hot spots in Texas! Yeah, and most people just go there to use the restrooms, and get a bite, but us? No we go to get food, and cool Bucc'ees stuff. 

It was about an hour and a half, away from where I am in Texas. So, yes, we did go to use the restrooms. But not all of us. It was not like the time with the camp I went to. 

Sense it was a six hour drive to the camp, we stopped at lunch. I thought it would be a chick-fal-a or something. But it was Bucc'ees. So tell me, what happens when eight buses filed with kids pull into Bucc'ees? All they want to do is; pee, poop, and move around. Thats all they want.

Lets just say, it was much less crowded. 

Also, leave in the comments what you think it was like.;)

Anyway, it was a blast. We got to eat out side on the ground, and talked. 

Now, I don't know how many of you know, but I'm sugar free. My friend Johanna was doing it, and so I thought to give it a try. So I've been sugar free for almost two/three weeks now, and I have to say, once you give up sugar, and start to eat heath, you will feel wonderful. It does not taste right when you eat sugar after you've been on like 2/3 weeks. 

Know, so at Bucc'ees they have this food called, beaver  nuggets. Now I did not know they had sugar, there for, it does not count. But I tasted one, and it stated weird. 

So I was like the only person who did not get any sugar. Instead I got sugar free chocolate covered raisins. They are good. But they melted and so I'm waiting for the to freeze so I can eat them again. 

Well, I don't think there is any thing else I wanted to share. So bye, and check out my youtube channel, I will be posting so vids I made durning the trip there, and back. Bye love y'all.    

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