"Please tell me what it means then I leave you alone."

"Porca miseria Mai!" I took off the hat and stared into her eyes, "it mean kiss ass. There, let me sleep. Go fûckin find something to fûckin do." I turned back around and closed my eyes while my face held a mad expression.

"Okay." I wanted to open my eyes and roll them but I held them close and continued to try and go asleep.

I was one second into falling asleep, until she spoke again. "Where's the water again?" I grabbed my hat and threw it on the floor. I got up and stomped my way towards her , where she was next to the liquor. She stepped back till her back was resting on the bar. I coward her space and looked down. She looked away from my graze and I knew I had a serious face on, but she can see how my eyes were filled with anger. I open the bottom cabinet next to her leg and water bottles were filled in that.

"Look. Next time." I said low. I looked down at her while she slowly looked up at me.

"T-thank you."

I stared longer than needed and then took a step back. "Look Mai." I then turned around and walked towards the little bathroom in here and used it. I washed my hands and then splashed water on my face, taking away the sleepiness.

I walked back out and walked back to the car and poured myself scotch. I downed the glass and then walked back to the chair that I was sitting on in the beginning.

"Want to tell me now why I'm going with you to be a 'whore'." She said but the last part was with venom.

"Simple. Like always, you go try to seduce him, but you don't try to get information from him. You try to be by yourselves, with out his men. Then me and my men would come in, kill him, take over his men, blah, blah. It's really simple Mai." I looked towards her and se her blinking more than usual and holding the water bottle still next to her chest.


"I don't like repeating myself Mai." I said with a stern voice.

"W-w-wh-wait. So I'm a honey trap?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what the hell is that?! No, you're not getting honey-"

"Vincenzo, you just described a honey trap." She said while she set he water down.

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but if you guys call it a 'honey trap' then okay. Then yes, I guess you're going to be a honey trap." I said while I tilt my head trying to get the concept of this 'honey trap'. I never heard of it.

"Oh god."

"What now Mai?"

"I never thought I would be a honey trap!!" She smiled while she jumped slightly.

I rolled my eyes and then looked out the window.

"Boss. We are 20 minutes away, please buckle up." My men said from the intercom.

I looked back to Mai, and raised an eyebrow, "what are you waiting for?"

"Nothing."She basically ran towards her seat in front of me and buckled up. I did too and looked out the window again.

Clouds covered part of the sky, but other than that I saw water. Clear blue water.

"How did you make this gang?" She whispered.

I slowly looked at her and I see her playing with the seat belt strand.

"My father made it." I looked back at the water.

"W-where is he?"

I took awhile till I answered, "dead." I adjusted myself on the seat.

"I'm sor-"

"I don't need your fûckin pity Mai." I looked over to her. "I killed him."

Her eyes grew wide and she was about to say something but we were going lower, so the jet shook slightly, and she gripped the seat handles. It was doing that for five minutes till my ears popped and I saw that we are going on the landing point.

I looked out the window with a bored look and ignored the memories of my father.

When the jet came to a fully stop, I unbuckled the set belt and walked towards the bed where my hat was sitting on the floor and picked it up. I placed it on, and reach in my pocket and pull out a another cigarette and lit it up. "Let's go." I walked towards her and grabbed her hand. The door open and I walked us down stairs and there was a car waiting for us.

I inhaled and exhaled the cigarette again, when we made it to the pavement I was pulled back. I looked back and I see her not wanting to touch the pavement. "Let's go Mai. We can't stand here any longer." I gave a light tug but she didn't crack.

"I touched the pavement already, and it's burning. I can't walk in that with out my feet blistering." I inhaled sharply and then took out the cigarette and tossed it on the floor while squishing it with my shoe. I walked towards her and she tried to take a step back but I pulled her towards me and threw her over my shoulder and walked her to the car. One of my men open the door and I placed her in while climbing back in.

The door started to drive, and I wanted to do was fûckin sleep.


We got a little action in Vincenzo POV.

;) trust me, there's more of that in the mean time.

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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