Wake Up Call.

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Dan's p.o.v.
As I woke up I could feel Phil sleeping next to me. His breathing was steady so I knew he was still alseep. I tried to get up without waking him but failed when I tripped over his shirt. "Dan...?" Yes babe? "Good morning princess." When he said that I just froze. I couldn't think or move. He had to say it. Why, when he knew not to. I couldn't hear anything as my breathing sped up to an unhealthy point. I felt his hand on my shoulder and flinched away saying, "don't hurt me!" I said it in a voice layered with fear. He took his hand off and backed up. "Baby, are you okay?" "Y...yeah, I'm... I'm just... I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I tried to shrug it off but I couldn't. "Dan, I know that look. I'm sorry okay. It was a mistake." Ya... And one that hurts me... Badly." I walk out of the room and go to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. It was bound to slip out eventually, right. I mean it's only natural. He was tired he wasn't thinking straight. I heard a knock and jumped. "What Phil?" "Can you unlock the door please?" "No." "But, baby I said I was sorry." "Sorry doesn't help in this situation quite yet." "Is there something I can do?" I just ignore him and turn on the shower. I get undressed and stand under the water. I don't realize that it is in full hot. I don't even feel it. I stand there for almost 20 minutes before Phil knocks again. "Dan, I really need to take a piss." I step out and cover myself in a towel and unlock the door. He steps in and his eyes widen. "Dan, your as red as a lobster, did you fricking boil yourself?" I look down at myself and see he's right. "I didn't mean to..." He pulls me in for a hug and I tense up slightly before hugging him back. The towel falls limp between us and he laughs. "Get dressed silly!" I wrap back up and go to my room. I pick out my baggiest and blackest outfit. When I'm done dressing I go to the kitchen to get some cereal. I go to grab my box before I notice that it's gone. "Phil! Where's my cereal!?" He walks up next to me and blushes. "Uhm... Well..." I interrupt him. " You ate it didn't you?" "Yes." He hung his head in shame and I just had to laugh at him. "God I love you!" I hug him and he melts in my arms. I hear my phone ding and I grab it. I just got tagged in a video but some person named LaughTrax. I open it and stare at it wide eyed. It was Ashlie.

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