Should I

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Phil's p.o.v.
I awoke to my phone going crazy with text's. I turn over and grab it from my night stand to see who they're from. All of them are from an unknown number. I check them and find out it's Ashlie, the girl I made pass out yesterday. "Jesus christ" 33 messages all from her. I quickly type out a reply. Hey... I was asleep sorry about that. I click send and five seconds later I hear another Bing. It's her again. "Oh hi... I was just wondering what you have planned today." Is she asking me out on a date? "Nothing much y?" I reply. I wait for an answer and am rewarded with a Bing not 10 seconds after I send it. "You wanna hang today"
Dan's p.o.v.
I lay awake all night think how Phil was with that girl. He didn't even know her. I decide to get up and get dressed. I find my blandest outfit and throw it on. Uhg. I have to actually do things today. Then I remembered that I lost my phone. SHIT I yell.
Ashlie's p.o.v.
When Phil texted me I about exploded with happiness. He wasn't avoiding me. I get off my bed and get dressed in my best outfit and shoes, until I realized that it was Phil merch. Jesus christ I'm worthless. I can't wear Phil's merch and hang out with him. I decide to wear my Jack skellington shirt instead. Ah. I'm so nervous.

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