Love Is Beautiful!

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((a/n in this chapter there is a suggested song that you should listen to. I will put a ** where it starts. The song is "Everything's Alright" by Laura Shigihara))
Dan's p.o.v.
It had been a eight months since I told Phil that. Our relationship couldn't be better. We were so in love. I decided that it's the right time to ask him. I had everything planned out for weeks now. I had the ring (which I have been hiding in a little hole in my wall), I had reservations for a fancy restaurant, and I had a speech that I have memorized. Hey! Phil come here! I could hear him shuffling in the kitchen as he put something down. "Yes babe?" How would you like to go on a date? "Oh! Where to?" It's a surprise... Just wear a nice outfit... And by nice I mean fancy. I give him a wink and go to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
Phil's p.o.v.
I get dressed and think to myself, this is the day... He's gonna do it. I didn't mean to find it, but I had spotted a velvet box on his dresser a few day ago. I was getting so nervous as I waited for him. He came out of the bathroom with a suit on and his hair straitened. "Looking nice Lester." I let out a small giggle as he went back to his room to grab "his keys." We walked down to the car and I was just a bundle of nerves.
Dan's p.o.v.
When we go to the restaurant I ordered us some champagne. We had been there for about an hour now and we're on to the dessert I pulled the waiter aside while Phil was in the bathroom and asked him to put the ring on his plate. Phil came back and I just sat there biting my lip.
Phil's p.o.v.
I could tell that it was almost time. Dan was chewing his lips with reckless abandon. The waiter walked towards us with two plates. Right then the music changes to my favorite song. ** As the song came on Dan stood up. "Phil, this may seem to soon but I feel like I'm ready. I don't know about you but these past months have been the happiest time of my short time on this planet. Yes we're Young, yes we make mistakes. But if your by side those mistakes won't seem so bad. " Dan was now on one knee in front of me and I was trying not to cry. "I know you may feel like you are broken, but you are the most perfect person in this world. Will you make me the happiest man alive and love me forever?" I was trying not to cry so I just nodded. At that exact moment everyone burst into applause. The waiter set down our plates and I saw that the ring was sitting there on a small pile if edible rose petals. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen (insert picture and Phil's deception) As Dan slipped it into my finger I felt complete. I wasn't broken at all. Only missing a part of myself. One that I only now realized I've been missing.
Dan's p.o.v.
I could see the pure unadulterated happiness on Phil's face. I knew that I had made the right decision. I pulled him in for a kiss. Our lips met in a kiss that was better than all of our other ones combined. Everything else just fell away and it was only us standing there. I heard someone clear their throat and pulled back. I realized that I was draped over him in a way that was not appropriate for public viewing. I let out a giggle and let go. Before I could get to far Phil kissed me on the cheek. We ate our dessert in a comfortable silence. God I live this man.

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