Chapter 29

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Jackson's POV

I stood still, my eyes wide in shock. 'How do you know her?'

'Oh I always have my ways. You should know that already. As I was saying, you shouldn't be selfish Jackson. Think about what it would do to her if you force her to be part of this life of yours. The criticism that would be thrown her way if the media found out that she is just a simple normal girl. Imagine what the fans would do? One might you know, accidentally do something extreme to remove her from your life. They might go to that extent of even harming her....,' she put the extra emphasis on the last statement,' you know how much they all love you don't you?'

'Don't you fucking dare.' I stared back at her,my muscles tensed and my whole body was shaking from the anger I was trying to control. I won't be able to stop myself if she kept pushing me.

'Dare to do what? Oh my Jackson, are you suggesting that I would do something to her?' Her nauseating laugh filled the room,' I would never do something like that. Well I wouldn't do it myself anyways.'

'You crazy bitch.' I spat the words in her face.

'Oh grow up Jackson. We all have our own ends to meet and you just happen to be my key to a successful future. And I would do anything.. and  I mean anything to get what I want and I would remove anybody who stands in my way. So think about it again Jackson. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our innocent little Riannon now would we?' She dugged her nails hard into my skin to prove her point.

I pushed her away, my hands grabbing her throat, feeling sick and enraged at the thought of anyone hurting Riannon. 'And you think you'd get away with this??!! Blackmailing me??!'

'Who would believe you anyways? My uncle knows his sweet little angel would never do such a thing. He knows I only want what's best for everyone. I talked to your mother regularly as well, in case you didn't know, and she finds me to be the perfect daughter-in-law for her son. How convenient! On the other hand, Jackson who is supposed to be in a relationship with Jiyeon is found verbally abusing her and possibly laying a hand on her, like right now if they see the bruises on my neck. Who would they believe more?' She flashed a sadistic smile.

My grip around her neck loosened as I took in everything. She planned everything out already, it was already a lost cause for me right from the start.

'Good boy.' She patted my hands and removed them from her neck. 'Glad to do business with you Jackson. Or should I say my darling future fiancè.' And with that she walked away, knowing I already caved in.

I laid there on the couch, my thoughts flitted from one flashback to the other, the guilt eating at me for every single time I hurt Riannon. Everytime I saw the pain in her eyes, I wanted nothing but to run to her, hold her close,and tell her how sorry I was. But I was stuck. I had been trying to find a way out, any proof to expose Jiyeon but she was always one step ahead of me. And every time I made a mistake, she would make sure to remind me of what was at stake.

~~~~~Flashback 2~~~~~

I regretted nothing as I recalled the feel of her soft lips again on mine, her small warm body against my own. Maybe my heart ached terribly as I watched her walk away with Jinyoung, but there was nothing I could do anymore. Maybe I was just drunk and acted on impulse earlier but I couldn't care less. It was probably the only time I could have her in my arms again and I took the opportunity. Maybe it also didn't turn out the way I planned, but at least I had a chance to have one last goodbye kiss.

I knew with the announcement of the engagement around the corner, I'd be permanently tied to that witch. I had to see her one last time. The anguish I felt at the thought of never seeing her again tore at the last bit of self restraint I had.

I looked around at the spectator of people who had gathered and saw Jiyeon approaching me, a threatening look in her eyes.

She came close in the pretence of checking if I was alright and whispered in my ears. 'Did you forget that I told you to never go near that wench again? Or do we need to go over again what happens if you do. If you need to be taught a lesson I'd gladly show you Jackson. A single phonecall and it's done.' She pulled back and looked in Riannon's direction suggestively.

'I swear to you.. if you even lay a finger on her.. you're dead.' I said every word through gritted teeth.

'We shall see who kills who first then shall we? Now you better learn to behave and put on a loving smile for me so that people won't be suspicious of you cheating around with that whore.'

I noticed people were whispering among themselves and tried my best to put on the same fake smile I had to keep on my face everytime I was forced to. 'Now let's go back to the party darling.' She walked on ahead and I trailed along after her,taking one last look at Riannon before I vowed to find a way to bring Jiyeon down.

A sudden bang on the door knocked me out of my thoughts and I scrambled to my feet. I approached the door cautiously, wondering who it could be when it was already late into the night. A second urgent knock sounded on the door and I turned the handle slowly, preparing myself to strike the intruder down.

My breath was stuck in my throat, when my eyes met with the sight in front me. I quickly lunged forward to steady Jinyoung who was leaning against the wall,breathing heavily, his face bruised and bloodied and the same red stains covering his hands.

'Jinyoung!! Fuck!!! What happened?!!' I frantically searched for my phone to call the ambulance while I dragged him inside but his hands grabbed my arm firmly.

'No time Jackson,' he muttered weakly,' Riannon, they took Riannon.'

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