Chapter 10

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Jackson's POV

It had been two days since I last spoke or met up with her. I didn't even know why I got cold feet all of a sudden but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her till I sorted my own mess out. I felt like a coward but I couldn't help it, I freaked out. She did text me asking me how I was, but I didn't even have the nerve to reply.

Right now, I was in my room just laying in bed. I came back to the dorm straight after work because my mind wasn't in the right place and I just felt so lost. I needed to get away from everyone. My band mates were still out so I had a bit of peace and space to think otherwise it was usually very noisy when everyone was home.

Deep down,I knew that whatever happened was already in the past but I suppose the distrust that I developed for people, for feelings sort of lingered.


It was already our third month anniversary since we first started dating and I was so excited to see her. I bought her flowers on the way, hoping to surprise her.

When I reached her doorstep ..well.. Let's just say I was the one who was on the receiving end of the surprise instead. Her place has been completely evacuated, a sign put up on her front door with the advertisement showing it was up for sale.

I picked up my phone and dialled her number immediately, impatient as I waited for her to pick up.

'Yeah Jackson?' She answers nonchalantly after a few rings.

'Where are you? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?'

'Oh I'm so sorry baby, it was a last minute thing and because of my busy schedule, I seem to have forgotten.' I felt a pang of hurt in my chest but I ignored it.

'I got a call for a movie project in LA and I had to leave immediately but don't worry love, I'll be back before you know it. Love you always. I'll call you later. Bye. '
And she hung up the phone.

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