Chapter 1

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Jackson's POV

This is probably a bad idea but after 10 hours of continuous practice, I really needed a break and some fresh air.

We weren't supposed to go out after 8pm for the next few weeks, because of the upcoming concert and hence the numerous preparations. But I've probably always been a sucker for breaking rules. .Or maybe just once in a while. Otherwise our manager would have my head on a platter without hesitation.

I had my black hoodie, mask and snapback on for extra precaution. Apart from the chilly weather that evening, I suppose sometimes, I just wanted to lay low and go through my daily routine like any other person once I'm off the stage.

As I walked through the busy streets of Seoul, I felt a bit of the frustration leaving my body. I contemplated for a moment on where I wanted to go as I reached a fork at the end of the road. All I longed for right now was a nice quiet place where I could just relax and a hot cup of coffee added to the picture sounded even more tempting. After giving it an extra thought, I headed down the familiar lane to where I wanted to go.

10 minutes later and I'm standing in front of a small cafe, with the dusty signboard on top, 'MAMA AILEE'. It had been so long since I'd last stepped foot here. It had been there for as long as I could remember but because of my busy schedule and all the travelling, I never had the time to visit anymore.

I could already smell my favourite chocolate brownies. I couldn't help smiling, I guess some things haven't changed.
As I opened the door, I could hear the music slowly drifting into my senses. I took in the surroundings and noticed it sure was packed for a weekday. I quickly manoevred myself through the small space among the crowded tables and went over to the counter.

'Oh my!! Jackson, is that you? You know you cannot hide from me no matter how many layers of clothing you wrapped around yourself, you little squirtle!' Ailee exclaimed the moment she saw me.

Mama Ailee, she had always been such a motherly figure ever since the first day I visited this place. I remembered how my feet would somehow always drag me here whenever I felt homesick and when I missed my mum who was back in Hong Kong. She would always make sure that I never felt alone in this foreign country.

'It's good to see you as well mama.' I smiled at her.

'Come here you little squirt!!' She engulfed me in a tight bear hug, squeezing the breath out of me and pulled away.

'How have you been? You look exhausted!! What have they been feeding you?! Why haven't you visited in so long??!' She bombarded me with a string of questions as she pinched my cheeks.

Just as I was about to answer, another customer called out for an order. She looked over my shouder, telling him that she was coming over in a minute before turning back to me. 'Well I guess I have to put that conversation on hold Squirt. Too many customers today. But I know just what you need at the moment.' She kept rambling on and disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few moments later, holding a tray, 'Here's your coffee and four slices of your favourite brownie!'

'You know just the right way to cheer me up,' I grinned.

'It's me you're talking about boy, I've known you since you were that skinny little teen and now look at you! All grown up! Now go grab yourself a seat and I'll come find you the moment I'm done serving. You better not leave yet!'

'I won't mama!' I replied cheerfully,and with that she left to go take orders at another table.

I took a look around,tray in my hand, trying to find a place for myself but none of the tables appeared to have an empty spot. I walked on to the back of the shop, where it was less noisy and saw a vacant chair beside the large glass window. A girl was sitting on the other one facing it.

'Hi! May I sit here?' I quietly asked as I approached her. I realised she had her headphones on and was too engrossed in whatever she was scribbling on the open notebook in front of her that she didn't notice me nor hear what I just said. I didn't want to seem rude but since my hands were full, I nudged her once with the tray which caught her attention. She turned towards me and pulled off her headphones. She had her mouth mask on so I couldn't really see her face.

'May I sit here, if you don't mind?' I asked her again and smiled at her,pulling down my own mask.

'Yeah, sure thing.' She replied quietly and continued with her work without giving me a second glance. I was slightly surprised that she wasn't fazed out at all when she looked at me but of course it would be egoistic of me to think that everyone would recognise us. I wanted to slap my own forehead for being so stupid.

I placed my tray on the table and sat down, eagerly taking one slice of the brownie and sinking my teeth into it immediately. It tasted heavenly indeed, just like always. Oh how I've missed you brownie!

My thoughts drifted off and I was suddenly reminded of the bet I had lost last week to our youngest member, Yugyeom. I was supposed to treat him but had completely forgotten about it due to our schedule. Maybe he'd like it here. But knowing him and his appetite, he'd probably prefer an 'All you can Eat buffet'.

I chuckled and was so lost in my own thoughts, while savouring the taste of those delicious treats, that I didn't notice the girl was looking at me strangely like I had grown two heads. I realised I probably had a stupid look on my face.

'Err..Sorry.' I scratched my neck and flashed her a grin. 'It just tastes so good. Have you ever had one of these ? Do you want to try it?' I asked as I shoved one of the brownies in front of her.

'Thank you but I'm good. Still full.' She replied, her tone filled with amusement as she resumed whatever she was doing. And being the curious person I was, I bent forward to take a peek at her work.
And Woah! Those were some amazing sketches. The girl definitely had talent.
'What are those? It looks interesting. You know,you draw very well,' I couldn't help commenting.

She continued drawing as she replied, 'Thanks. It's a diagram of the forearm and the muscles,nerves and vessels that run through and supply it.'

'Ooh. Sounds fascinating. What do you do? Are you an artist? You sure have the hand of one,' I asked curiously.

'I'm a medical student and these are part of my assignments.' She laughed as she replied, and boy was it melodious. I swear my stomach doubled over when she did. But it was probably just the three brownies that I ate and my stomach responding to my greed.

'That's amazing! I didn't expect that! I'm impressed,' and as I properly did a once over her whole attire, she didn't look like one either with her black leather jacket and her black ripped jeans and converse. It was a shame I couldn't see her face but I noticed she had beautiful eyes, a shade of the lightest brown with black flecks around her iris.

Just a few minutes in and I already felt comfortable being in her presence. Maybe it was because she didn't know who I was or even if she did, she didn't seem to be affected by it and that was just what I needed.

'Hey, wait a minute, have I met you somewhere before? '

I probably spoke too soon.

Author's note: I really do hope you liked the first chapter. It's my first try at writing a story. So please do leave your comments. ^•^


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