Chapter 3: The Start to the Path of Heroism

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It's been 1 month since I've been living with Aizawa.

During the month, I've been secretly training when he was out, for the day I meet Vald again.

The chances I won't see him again is 0%. I know that with his resources, he'll be able to track me soon and there was no way Bag Eyes was going to let me train on my own.

He forced to me to take online schooling so that I can finish up whatever year I'm supposed to be in. Not to brag, but I'm very smart.

Remember when I said Vlad expected me to be perfect and better than everyone? That also included academics. If I got anything lower than a 100%, I was punished with a session with Alego, also known as Ghost Writer.

That man kept going on and on and on about his books and after 6 hours with him, I always kept my grade where it was satisfied. Now I'm smart enough to get to any college I want to.

Also, during the time, Aizawa started to trust me and lifted some of his rules and let me go off on my own.

Okay, in the beginning, the jerk put some rules for me! Did he think I was 10? I didn't need any rules! He's not my dad! But apparently, if I didn't follow them, he would've kicked my ass and never let me out of the house.

Here are the 3 stupid rules he made:
#1. Don't leave the house without permission
#2. If I leave the house without him, I have to tell him we're I'm going.
#3. Don't try to escape.

It's like he didn't trust me to stay in one place!

Okay, so maybe I had an escape plan or two, but why the heck would I want to stay with a moody hero?!

But recently, I started to think differently. I compared to my life before and now.

I thought that maybe I should be grateful. I could have stayed with someone like Vlad or worse, if that's even possible.

Even though Aizawa is a jerk, he's a caring jerk or else I wouldn't have been able to stay at his house and would have been dropped at some orphanage or something, and he also would've made me sleep on the couch if he was cruel.

But no, he not only gives me a bed and a library, but he even gave me a desk, some more books, and stuff to decorate my room a little bit.

What was his type called again? A tsundere! He would have killed me if he heard me call him that.

But I really shouldn't be staying in one place though. If I do, it's basically like saying, "Hey, Fruitloop! Come and find me so you can just imprison me again!"

Staying in one place and getting involved with someone just makes the situation worse. If Vlad finds me, will he kill Aizawa, just like my parents and Jazz?

I want to have hope that Aizawa can take down the stupid fruitloop once and for all, but will he be able to do it?

I know that Aizawa can cancel his quirk and is skilled at hand to hand combat, but that old man has more than a few tricks up his sleeves.

Despite his looks, he's not that old, has amazing reflexes, and is a master at multiple styles of martial arts.

Not only that, he has tons of powerful followers and can kill the Pro Hero by making it a 100 vs 1 fight.

Even though I'm free, I'm trapped by my fear.

Should I tell Aizawa the truth about me? If I do, will he try and take Vlad down and end up killing himself or will he prevail and it'll all be over?

I can't take that risk. Even if there's a chance that he can defeat him, I can't take the chance of getting him killed.

"Hey, kid. Are you there?" I heard a familiar sleepy voice calling me out. I looked up to see Aizawa. I was in my room and it seems like he wanted something from me.

"What do you want?" I asked, curious. I know it's not a check up, since he hasn't done that since he started trusting me.

He looked at me with his same bored expression. "What were you thinking about?" I froze.

I looked away from him. "It's nothing. I was just wondering what we're having for dinner." I knew he could tell that I was lying but, fortunately, he dropped it.

"Chicken." He answered and he suddenly remembered why he came up to my room in the first place.

"It's been tricky, attempting to find you a foster home, however..." Aizawa trails off, looking contemplative and deep in thought.

"However what?" I was extremely curious in what he's going to say next.

"You have a decent grasp on your Quirk."

Decent? I think I'm a bit more than decent.

"Applications for Yuei just opened. You could try to apply there."

"U.A.?!" I've heard about that place. Who hasn't?! It's the best high school for heroics in Japan, possibly the whole world! Most of the top heroes came from U.A!

And guess what? Bag Eye works there as teacher! I know. Can you believe that someone like him is a teacher? From what I've seen and heard, he's one of those strict types.

He's even bragged to me about how he expelled a whole class of first years who he knew had no chance! I mean, I would get it if it were about 5 kids, (Being a hero is no joke) but the entire class?! How has he not been fired yet?!

"Yes." Aizawa responds curtly. "You could become one of the top heroes with that Quirk of yours, and the amount of control you have over it."

Wait a minute. With a Pro Hero license, training from U.A, and enough evidence, I would have enough power to lock Vlad up for good... Could this be a chance?

That's when the excitement came. With Vlad locked up, I can avenge my family and finally put the past behind me and escape from everything that's been holding me back.

"Where do I sign up?" My excitement puts... is that a grin on Aizawa's face? I'm not dreaming. I really I saw it out of the corner of my eye, but it was gone in a flash.

"I'll pick you up some applications. This also means you'll have to train with your Quirk. There is a written and a physical exam, but with your grades, I'm sure you'll do well on the written portion."

I've decided that I shouldn't mention the fact that I've been training without his permission. I want to live! There's still things I want to do!

So I just settled for a nod.

His training can't be harder than Vlad's, can it?

~2 weeks later~

This guy is the devil incarnation. While his training was less brutal and life threatening than the fruitloop's, it required was way more work and mostly left me dead on the floor.

Right now, I'm running 10 miles with him along side me. I'm at 8 miles and I'm sweating like a pig. I looked at the devil and he doesn't even look winded! Has this guy been training for a marathon or something?

Seriously!! If it weren't for my training with Vlad, I'd be dead!!

"Sadist!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at him. It seemed that comment only pleased him as I could see the faintest smirk on his face.

Help me.

To be continued...

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