Prologue: Part 2

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When I woke up, I was in a dark room. I tried to move only to realize I was tied up with thin metal wires.

Whoever did this must be stupid. I can just go through this. I then used my quirk but I couldn't go through. Could this be... ectoranium? Dang it! That means I can't escape!

"Ah.." A sudden voice suddenly caught my attention. I turn to the source and saw the guy that would've been in my nightmares, had I been allowed to sleep willingly. Vlad.

"I see you are awake." He says with a smirk. I growled in response. I started to struggle against the wirings! They're on so tight!

"Why are you doing this?" I growled, trying to act tough, but in reality, I was scared out of my mind and about to cry.

Hey, I'm five. What kind of 5 year olds wouldn't cry in this situation, even if it's in front of the very man that kidnapped you.

"Because, I always wanted a son and with you having my quirk, you will make an excellent apprentice and heir. If I can't have Maddie, then at least I'll have you." He says with a sly smirk.

I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean by heir? Do you mean your company?" He wants me to take over his company? Not a chance!

"No, I mean my country." He answers with his smirk growing wider every second. My confused look only increased. "Oh? You never realized? You're in a different country. The one I rule."

How can he rule a country? Isn't he just an fruit loop who came from a regular family?

"Let me tell you a story." Vlad says. "There once was a man named Vlad..." Oh... great... so this story was about him. "He had two friends and all three of them were dreaming of becoming inventors. Their names were Maddie and Jack."

My parents?

"Vlad loved Maddie, but when Jack's miscalculation caused an invention to explode in front of Vlad, he was sent to the hospital, and couldn't come back to school until 6 months later. By the time Vlad came back to school, Jack had already grabbed Maddie's heart." So that's why he despises my dad.

"After this, I started to wander around the world, then one day, while on a ship, I got lost and got caught in a storm. I came across a country that wasn't on any maps. I got curious and landed on it. It turned out that I was in a country in the middle of the Dark Seas called Ghostzone."

I've heard of the Dark Seas before. It's the most dangerous part of the ocean. It's filled with whirlpools, storms, killer sharks, poisonous marine life, etc... No one has ever gone into it and made it out alive. After many years, people learned that you ought to either be stupid or have a death wish to venture in the Dark Seas.

Even in a military helicopter, the storms are strong enough to bring it down. Pro heroes have gone in it and never came out. Vlad must have been one lucky man to be alive. Wait a minute... how did we get here? The only reason why Vlad is still alive because of sheer luck. It's not like he can randomly go back and forth from America to Ghostzone.

The insane fool sensed my confusion and answered, "There is a woman here with a quirk of teleportation. She makes it much more efficient to travel." I looked at him in disgust. He talked about her as if she was a transportation mode, not a human being.

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