Chapter 1: Police Station

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I was in the police station with a pro hero in front on the other side of the desk. How did I end up here?

Ok, after a week I've been here, I have heard calls for help almost every single day. And naturally, being the good person that I am, I help them using my quirk.

Then in the middle of one of my big rescues, a goggle wearing pro hero with long, dark, black hair with bandages all around him, came up to me and took me into custody. I couldn't even escape as his quirk stops me from using mine.

I really don't know the laws of the outside world as I was stuck in an unknown country in the Dark Seas for 9 years of my life, so I really don't know what I did wrong.

Ok. Back to the problem at hand.

The pro hero, who's name I found out was Eraserhead, looked at me then suddenly says, "You do realize that vigilantism is a crime, right?" So that's what I did wrong.

I scoffed. "One: I was just helping other people. How is that a crime?! And two: I did not know vigilantism was a crime."

He gave me a confused look. "Shouldn't that be the laws everywhere?" Whoops, I made a mistake.

Though I didn't show it, I started to sweat a little inside. "I'm not very educated." Lame excuse.

"Where are you from?" He asks while looking at me suspiciously.

"None of your business ." I answered with a sneer. He had no business trying to dig into my personal life.

"Where is your family?" He asks with a piercing gaze. That question really caught me off guard. I know it's expected that he'd ask that, but still... even though I was prepared for it... it still hurts.

I tried to hold my emotions inside and put on a smirk to annoy him. "Not here." He put his head on the table in front of them and groan in frustration. Seconds later, he brings his head back up and glares at him. "Look, you're lucky that you have someone as lenient as me here. If you'd like, I can..."

"Get someone else?" I finished with a bigger smirk. "You know of my intangibility. Call someone else and I can easily escape from here. You're the only one that can keep me in one place. I think we're stuck together." Checkmate.

He groaned again, then asks again where my family is.

"Let me give you a hint. They're not in the world of the living." I answered while trying to keeping myself together. I still get emotional whenever I think about them.

It seems he understood my hint and gave me a look, but it wasn't pity. This guy might not be so bad after all.

"I want to know something."

"Hm?" The look Eraserhead sends shivers down my spine.

"A child your age shouldn't know how to fight like this." He shows me the pictures that were taken of me, fighting a villain.

I remember this. That guy's quirk was Regeneration, which allowed him to heal faster than normal. It was an annoying fight because the guy just kept getting back up.

But is this a normal thing to do here? Take pictures of fights that break out in public and post them on the online?

I looked at the pictures, annoyed, before realizing Eraserhead is still staring at me, waiting for an answer to his question.

"Where did you learn how to fight? Who taught you?" He asks again when I didn't answer.

I looked away, not wanting to answer that question. Just thinking of that bastard puts me in a bad mood. "That's none of your business." I state firmly. "Look. I don't know many laws around here, but I'm pretty sure you can't keep me here for this long just for vigilantism." I said with an annoyed glare.

Eraserhead then starts to study me and sighs.

He then stands up. "I'm going to leave for a couple of minutes. Can I trust you to stay here?" He asks.

I shrug. "I got nothing better to do. Might as well."

He nods and gave me a look that said 'Even if you leave, I'll find you.'

I waited and a few minutes later, he came back.

"All right. So here's how this is going to work. We're going to find you a foster home." Great... the foster system. "But until we can find you a home, you are to stay with me as I'm the only one who can keep you from running off."

I wasn't sure what to say or think about that. I only knew one thing. Things just got more interesting.

To be continued...

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