Mackenzie and Liam

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The sun was just setting. The sky had turned a cute pinky orange, and the waves were calm. I walked down the shore barefooted, letting the waves lap gently against my feet. I held my camera tight, not wanting to drop it. Glancing over at the sunset, I decided to take a quick snap. Someone from behind me made me jump.

"Hi, umm," A short, blonde girl stood in front of me, wrapping her cardigan tightly around her. I wasn't that cold, but my feet were. I rolled down my skinny jeans from paddling in the sea and pulled on my boots.

"Yes?" I asked the girl.

"Well, I was wondering if you could take a picture of me and my boyfriend. You look like you're good with cameras, so maybe you can use my phone and.."

"Yes, sure." I cut her babbling short. "Where is your boyfriend?"

She went a bit giggly as I said that, like she was proud that she had a boyfriend. She turned around and pointed, "That's him." I peered over her shoulder, then my eyes widened as I saw her boyfriend.

He was topless and had a perfectly toned six pack. He hung his t-shirt over his shoulder and casually flipped his damp hair to one side.

"Liam!" The girl ran over to the boy, hugging him tight and dragging him by the hand over to me.

Liam, Liam, Liam! Liam from One Direction! It obviously wasn't him, but whenever a Directioner hears one of the boys names being said, who else can they think of? I began gazing off into the sunset, thinking about One Direction...

The girl shook me out of my daydream, coughing loudly.

"Are you taking this picture or what?" She handed me her phone, and I yawned tiredly, warily. I was absolutely shattered.

I began to focus her phone on the couple in front of me, and then the world went in slow motion.

I saw the guy.

I dropped her phone.

I fangirled.

Basically, I did everything possibly wrong, but I couldn't help it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!! LIAM PAYNE!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! AUTOGRAPH, AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign my hand, please?" I held a hand out, realising what I'd just done. The couple in front of me widened their eyes, staring. Then they glanced before running away.

"NOOOO!" I yelled, but they were long gone. The last thing I recalled was the ground suddenly beneath me..


"Wake up! Hello? Can you hear me?"

I suddenly woke up, coughing up water.

"Woah, are you ok?" My vision began to clear. Then it focused in HIM. Again! He was here! I actually thought I was dreaming, I was still half asleep.

I gasped. "It's you! You're here! You're in America, not England! Why are you here, Liam, why are you rescuing me?? I..." My head fell back, my vision blurring. I felt strong arms pick me up, carrying me, but then I fell back to sleep. I woke up covered in blankets, in a strange room. It was a bedroom, I knew that. It was plain and simple, like a guest room. A vase held a variation of flowers, scenting the room to perfection. A woman came in, dressed in a top with a logo and tracksuit bottoms, with the same logo. She worked here, but where? Where was I? I tried to squint and read the logo, but failed. The woman left the room with her trolley and I sighed. I turned my head to the side and then screamed; a man was there!

"Woah, it's ok. Calm down, it's me.."

"Who-who are you-ou?" I stuttered. I thought I was being kidnapped.

"It's me, Liam. Liam Payne. You're in a hotel.."

Wow. Everything became clear, what had happened yesterday. And what happened yesterday needed to change. He couldn't think of me as a mental fangirl- no, that couldn't happen. I needed to create a better image.

"Oh, ok.."

"I saved your life, you know. You nearly drowned."

"I did?.." There was a silence, then I had a question.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"Coming soon, I think." Five minutes later, she did come.

But when she reached the door and saw me, she turned on her heels and stormed off.

"Off she goes," Liam muttered.

"Was that a break up?" I asked him, and he nodded. "Wow, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I felt so bad. "Look, I gotta go.."

"No, don't." Liam said to me. His eyes looked longing.

"But I just broke you and your girlfriend up. I don't want to be the one who ruined your relationship."

"I was gonna break up with her anyway. Not quite my type."

"Well, what is your type?" he rattled on for a while, until finally finishing before adding,"Basically, you."

"Your type is me?" He nodded.

"Well, i guess.."

I got interrupted. "There's something about the way you look tonight, yeah. Takes my breath away..."

Yep, he sung to me. I listened as he continued, Xfactor memories flooding back.

Then suddenly it hit me. "Crap!" I exclaimed.

"Woah, what did I do wrong?" he asked innocently. "I mean, singing to a girl hasn't worked in the past for me, but I thought this time..."

"I know, Liam. It's just I haven't been home for about a day now. I need to go home!"

"Yes, of course." Liam said. "I'll drive you home. And maybe on the way to yours we could arrange a date?"

"Definitely!" I was beaming, my face filled with a huge grin. For a moment I forgot that I'd most likely be grounded for about a year when I got home.

I was too busy letting my fingers intertwine with his...


Hope you like it Mackenzie! Sorry about the wait and thanks for being patient x

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