Siobhan and Zayn

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I smiled to myself as I walked out of the school gates. No school for six weeks! I adjusted my bag over my shoulder then walked for a few minutes until I reached home.

"I'm home!" I called out, acting strangely over-happy due to the fact that it was the beginning of the Summer Holidays. No-one replied, but I ignored this and skipped upstairs to my room. I dropped my bag then collapsed on my bed, sighing happily. After a few minutes, I got up and went back downstairs, searching the kitchen for a snack. I soon settled with a chocolate bar and a packet of crisps- not exactly the healthiest option, but I didn't really care. My mum made me jump.

"How was the last day of school?"

Startled, I spun my head around. "Oh, it was fine." There was a short silence but my mum- who had just come home from work- soon broke it.

"You're gonna need to find yourself a holiday job, you know." My mum said.

I let out a moan. "Do I have to? I have plans!"

"Yes, you have to. But it will only be part time, so you can still do other things." My mum replied.

"Ok." I sighed. "But what job am I supposed to do?"

"I'll ask my boss, Dave, if he can get you a job at the shop." My mum worked at a food shop, and now she was dragging me into this life too. I got up and left the room, wishing I could leave all the 'job' stuff behind me too. This didn't happen, and I sat thinking about it for at least half an hour.


"That's forty-eight pounds, please." I said, my voice tired.

"Here." A woman with two crying twin babies handed me some money. I put it into the tray and then passed her a receipt. My mum had managed to drag me to her work, and now I was sitting behind a till in a food shop. My next customer was stood in front of me, but I didn't even look up. I just kept passing their food through, beeping it as I went.

"You look bored." Where did I know that voice from? I suddenly froze as I realised who it was. My head slowly came up.

"Wow." A handsome boy with black hair said as I looked up. It was Zayn Malik!

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just.. really pretty."

"Thanks." I was pretty sure I was blushing, and I was really flattered. I tried to calm down as I continued to beep his food on the machine. There were some normal things, and some weird. Like the three large bags of carrots, and five copies of The Inbetweener's Movie. Zayn saw my confused expression.

"Oh, Louis wanted carrots for some kind of carrot food fight, and we all wanted a copy each of The Inbetweener's Movie." He told me. I nodded. After another minute all his food was packed.

"That's sixty-four pounds and eighty-nine pence." I said.

"Here." He handed me a fifty pound note along with a twenty.

"Keep the change." He smiled. I went to put it in the till. "No. I meant for you."

"I can't." I replied, giving him the correct amount of change. "But you could take me out."

He smiled. "Definitely. Can you do Saturday night?"

"Yes, I can. Seven O'clock?"

"Yep, that's great. The Italian place down the road?"

"Sure. See you then!" I watched, smiling, as he walked off with a trolley. This holiday job was proving better than I'd expected. I had a date with Zayn Malik!


"Have fun!" My mum called out.

"I will!" I replied as I left the house, closing the door behind me. I was wearing a short, summery floral dress, and holding a denim jacket which was for later. I made my way down the road and soon spotted Zayn, but he had his hood up like he was hiding from someone.


"Yeah, it's me. I'm hiding from some fans, sorry. Let's go inside." He held the door open for me and I walked into the cute restaurant. He then pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"So, how come you're here, Zayn? You live in London and come from Bradford!"

"One of my sisters has an old best friend who lives here, and I've come back to visit my family for a few days so I came with them."

"Oh, awesome." We ordered our meals but a few minutes later the waitor came back.

"I need to tell you that..." The waitor began, but Zayn interrupted him.

"Vas happenin' now?"

"Well, umm, we've run out of mince so we won't be able to make your meal, I'm sorry. Would you like to re-order?"

Zayn sighed. "Yes. Can I have the chicken and mushroom pizza?"

"Sure." The waitor walked off, and we began to chat. Soon, our meals were ready and the same waitor came back with them. He handed them to us, then looked at Zayn, before lowering his voice to a whisper and saying, "Oh, and my daughter is a big fan, could you sign a menu?"

Zayn nodded, and the waitor walked off. "I didn't know he knew who I was!" He told me, and I laughed.

"I didn't either." Zayn signed the menu, and when the waitor came to collect our meals he gave it to him. We soon left, and I thanked Zayn for the meal.

"That's ok." He replied. "It's my pleasure to take out such a beautiful lady."

I giggled, going red. "Nice flirting." I commented, and we laughed.

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