Kali and Harry

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Authors Note: This is the last one shot I'm doing, sorry. For those who asked for One Shots, I'm extremely sorry. There are so many other One Shots on here so definitely go and get one, just not from me :( sorry, I hope you understand...I'm stopping with Wattpad, thats why. Sorry :'(

Anyway, heres the last One Shot :D...


The whistle blew sharp and loud into the crisp air, the silence was broken as names were being called.

"Here!" I called. The ball was passed to me and I sped off with it, passing as I reached the box. My friend recieved the ball and as we got even closer to the goal passed it. I gave the ball the tap it needed and it flew past the goalie into the back of the net.

The small group of people suppporting our team on the right sideline cheered. This looked like it was gonna be a boringly easy game.

Before I knew it, it was half time. We were winning 2-0. I walked off the pitch and joined my team sitting on the grass as my coach gave instructions and tips. I wasn't really listening though. I was too excited about seeing my cousin Niall for the first time in three years.

Yes, Niall from One Direction. I still saw him as the cute cousin from three years ago, but I was a huge directioner.

"Ready?" My coach asked. I nodded as if I'd been listening and made my way onto the pitch, readying myself. This time I was taking centre with my friend. She smiled at me. "Let's do this."

We passed the ball between us and I glanced behind me, checking for opponents. But I saw something that made me trip and fall.


He was here, when I was supposed to be meeting him at my house later. And he had arrived just in time for me to make a complete idiot of myself.

I got up quickly, my friend passing the ball. But I was too shaken up and got tackled. As I walked back to take centre I noticed something that, for a split second, stopped my heart.

They were all here. Not just Niall, all of them.

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A girl on the other team screamed. "ZAYN MALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Zayn waved and the girl just managed to contain her excitement to continue playing. That was exactly how I felt.

However that was mixed with embarassment.

"C'mon girls." My coach said. I got my head on and started playing properly as the score was now 2-1. I had to admit I was showing off a bit in front of the boys, using my best skills to weave between opponents.

Harry was my favourite. He was sat there casually watching with his sunglasses, and... he was just too hot to even describe.

I did a few tricks when people tried to tackle me. I flicked the ball over a girl's head, got it the other side and ran to the goal with it, passing it to a girl on my team last minute.

She got as much credit for the goal as I did.

3-1. The whistle went off for the last time, and I quickly shook hands with the other team muttering 'good game' before I ran off to the changing rooms and got ready quickly.

Then I walked towards the boys in my favourite outfit with my long red hair down.

"Hey, you look gorgeous." I hugged Niall hard.

"I missed you!! It's been so long!! Last time I saw you, you were writing your X Factor application!" I laughed.

"Wow, that is long." He replied. He introduced me to the boys, like I needed a reminder of their names.

"...And last of all, Harry." I smiled shyly at him, blushing. He was looking at Niall but as his beautiful green eyes met mine, I almost went 'aaaahh'.

"We were planning on going out for dinner later, do you wanna come?" I nodded.

"Actually," Niall said, looking at his watch. "It's five o'clock already. We might as well go out now." He smiled.

"Sounds good." I replied. I was starving hungry after the match.

We made our way to the restaurant. Niall and I sat in the front of the orange campervan with the boys in the back. I looked into the wing mirror and saw Harry in the back. He was looking at me. I quickly glanced away, embarrassed, and pretended to be texting on my phone

It wasn't long before we got to the restaurant. It was a cute one, with a wooden door that opened to a small room. There were about 15 tables, one with a reserved sign on

"That's ours." Niall told me. We waited for the waitress to come over and address us to our seats. I sat next to Niall and Louis on one side of the table and Harry was opposite me, Liam and Zayn either side of him. I found Harry kept looking at me. He kept quiet, one of the only things he said was 'steak and chips with a water' when he ordered his dinner. Liam took out his phone and just as he put it away, Harry took out his. Then when Harry put his away, Liam's bleeped agaun and he read it. They were texting each other.

"Anyway." I began chatting with Niall, Louis and Zayn. "What have you been up to?" I already knew eactly what they'd been up to but I was being polite

"Finishing off the tour!" Niall said eagerly. "Four more shows and we're back to Britain" I died a little as he said that. I wanted them to stay, no matter how selfish that shounded

"Cool, when's your next show?" I asked. Tomorrow at 8pm. I knew that, again I was being polite

"Tomorrow night I think" Niall replied

"At eight, right?" Zayn added. Yep

Harry and Liam had stop sexti- I mean texting. They looked up. Liam nudged Harry and Harry took a deep breath

"Will you come outside with me for a second?" He looked at me. I nodded, wondering where he was taking me and why

He stopped when he reached about a metre from the restaurant

"Look, I know this is sudden and random, and..." He paused, looking down and then back up, striking me yet again with his gorgeous eyes. "I think you're beautiful"

ME?! ME?!?...I tried to keep listening

"And I don't know how to say this, but..." He leaned in. I could feel his hot breath on my lips before he came even closer. Then he kissed me. It was something I'd dreamt of for so long. It was too hard to explain my feelings. I was...

He pulled away, smiling. "Do you get what I mean now?"

I nodded, speechless

"You are single, right?" He asked

"Yeah." I just couldn't believe this. Harry Styles wanted me? What the hell?

"You don't have to do this, I just really like you and umm err..." Harry said

"Its okay. I want to do this. I, err, well, I like you too" I managed to say

We made our way back into the restaurant, hand in hand and both smiling- or in my case, absolutely grinning my face off making my cheeks ache. As we sat down, Liam started cheering. He got a few funny looks

"Aww, you guys look cute together" Louis said. I thanked him, but I still had someone to speak to

"Niall, is this okay?" I asked him

He nodded, grinning "Of course it is"

And that was the start of our relationship

Mr and Mrs Styles- AKA 'Karry'

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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