"Actually, I didn't..." I murmur, scooting closer to Lauren but he doesn't take the hint and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You're hot, you know." Austin tells me, winking. Dinah practically growls due to anger from across the table. I can feel Lauren's body trembling against mine. Why is she nervous?

"That is not how you flatter a girl." Dinah hisses, her eyes deadly daggers. Normani looks like she doesn't know what to do.

"Shut up, Jane." Austin growls, his eyes flashing with pure hatred. I feel suddenly scared. He focuses his gaze on me again. "Where are you from, cutie?"

"Seattle..." I mutter, gripping Lauren's thigh with my hand for support, trying to tell her I'm uncomfortable. I don't know what to do. Austin just gets closer.

"Hmm, I bet you feel so L.A.." Austin hums, making Dinah slam her hands down on the table.

"Leave her alone!" Dinah growls, practically going to jump at the boy but Normani holds her back. Violence is never key.

He ignores her. "What's your name, cutie?" Austin challenges me with another question, making me even more uncomfortable. He seems so sure that I'm into him. He better reconsider his facts.

"Camila." I snap, leaning further from the boy. He is so close, I can see how chapped his lips are.

"Hot." He comments, making me sick to my stomach. "So, Camilla, would you like to go out with me tonight? I could make you feel better than you ever have..."

"No!" I exclaim, feeling my heart speed up nervously. I've never hated anyone from a first impression so this is a first. This boy is extremely cocky and has no boundaries.

"Come on," Austin rolls his eyes, laughing maliciously. Another first: I don't think I've ever not liked someone's laugh. A laugh is a sign of happiness and joy, so how can someone not like one? I can see now.. "One night. Maybe you'll be back for more..."

"Leave her alone, Mahone!" Dinah snarls, her hands gripping the table's edge so tightly, her knuckles turn paper white.

"You don't know how she feels." Austin scoffs, ignoring the fact that I already declined his offer. "Plus, it's not like you can do anything about it. We all know that if you tried to stop me, you'd resort to violence and you know how your parents feel about that..."

"Shut up!" Dinah grinds her teeth, keeping her tone from whimpering. "It was only once."

Normani wraps around the blonde, keeping her at bay and safe from Austin. Austin just laughs at this, looking back at me with his ugly eyes.

"What do you say, Camilla?" Austin asks, mispronouncing my name again.

"Her name is Camila and she already said no." Lauren speaks up, her voice coming out surprising rough. She rests her hand on mine, squeezing it tightly.

"Oh yeah?" Austin clicks his tongue, tilting his head to the side. "Sometimes, people change their mind."

"Yeah, but no one would for you. Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Lauren growls, gaining some confidence. She stops trembling slowly.

"Actually, yes, I have. Maybe you should take your own advice." Austin blinks slowly, his arm not removing from around me. A few guys start to crowd around us.

"You're right, I will. I'll glad look in a mirror. But you really shouldn't—you might faint." Lauren scoffs, grabbing his hand and throwing his arm off me. She then proceeds to wrap an arm around my waist. "So, maybe if you want to keep your pathetic dignity, you should leave."

His arm swings back toward him and hits the side of the bench. I can tell it hurts but he puts on a facade that says otherwise.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Austin laughs, rolling his eyes. He stands up, walking the two steps to get closer to Lauren. Dinah looks like she wants to strangle him. "I'm not scared of a dyke like you."

Lauren goes pale with fear. Her eyes seem to glaze over and her earlier smirk fades away into nothing. Her hand grows loose in mine. I squeeze her cold hand, trying to assure all is fine.

The few guys behind Austin holler out while laughing. Austin gets closer to her face, his green eyes nothing in her's. "You didn't think I knew? That we all know? You're gay!"

"N-no, no." Lauren stutters, blinking her eyes numerous times before bringing them up to meet Austin's. I can feel her blood pumping through her veins, her heart pounding. "I'm not."

"Now you're lying!" Austin shouts, earning everyone's attention. "Lying is a sin. So now you really are going to hell!"

"Austin, leave her alone!" Dinah yells, jumping up but Normani drags her back down, whispering in her ear. Dinah is shaking with rage.

"I-I. N-no... I don't... I'm n-not gay." Lauren stumbles over her own words, clearly making herself frustrated. She is trembling so badly now, it scares me.

"Yes, you are! You're holding her and her hand!" Austin notices our hands clasped together on Lauren's thigh. "Plus, you had that fling with—"

"Who cares?" Dinah shouts, her eyes deadly. "It's Lauren's life!"

"I'm not gay!" Lauren yells, fear dripping from her tone. Something is wrong, definitely wrong. She rips her hand from mine and scoots a bit closer to Dinah, making me feel exposed.

"You're gay and you're falling for a straight girl again." Austin hisses, his words venom. "Don't you ever learn?"

Lauren meets my eyes, her eyes are so broken as they glitter with the colors of her emotions. It's like they've seen things they shouldn't and they've cried too many tears. When she blinks this time, it doesn't go away.

"I'm not gay." She whispers, barely audible. Her body shakes like she is in a storm; unable to go the way she wants to due to the wind.

"Sure, dyke." Austin emphasizes the awful word, pushing Lauren's shoulders before striding away with the guys behind him. Lauren hits the table, swaying back to her normal position. It's crazy how two words can break someone so quickly.

I don't notice that Lauren is crying until she has her face buried in her hands and sniffling noises coming from her. Dinah pulls her into her chest, holding the green-eyed girl tightly.

"Lauren, it's okay..." Dinah hums, glancing over at Normani with concerned eyes. Normani seems worried as well. I feel like it was my fault. I mean, Austin did come over because he wanted to ask me out.

"No, it's not." Lauren whispers, taking a deep breath and removing her hands from her shimmering eyes. "It's wrong. I know, it is. They won't let me forget."

They? What is wrong? I get that Austin just came over here and accused Lauren of being homosexual and that can make someone angry if they're not gay or out, but upset? Maybe Lauren isn't as straight as I thought she was.

Also, if she is crying about this, why does she think it's bad? Who is telling her it's wrong? I have so many questions but I can't ask them. The crying girl in my friend's arms stops me from doing it. I don't want to hurt her more.

He truly hurt her and scared her. How can he have power over her? Lauren seemed so fearless, but I guess everyone has a fear.

What is Lauren's?


A/N: hallo! Okay, so I finished counting the chapters for this book and it's around 60. 60 chapters. That's crazy! Also, I finished the plot-line for my next story. It's 11 chapters including the epilogue. And I don't know if I want to start writing it and posting it yet because this book is so long. I'm really excited do it and it everything has a book cover and everything. How do you feel?

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please star it. Thank you so much and have an incredible day! I love you! :)


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