Sora did not answer him, knowing that he was trying to get her to give into her anger to destroy him. She kept a calm, serene look, like she was a Shaolin warrior, and focused on looking for the right time to strike.

Rain began pouring down around the two, sizzling sounds were heard as the drops of rain would hit the blades of their swords and evaporate.

After sizing each other up for a few more tense seconds, the combat was as swift and powerful as a snake bite. Chundaar swung forward with several strong attacks but Sora, thanks to her Soresu defense, was able to repel the attacks as they came. She switched to a Makashi stance and started to deliver attacks of her own, hoping to overwhelm the Wookiee with her superior saber skills, but Chundaar was up to the task and would repel her attacks as well. The two soon were locked into a saber lock once again.

"You have controlled your anger," remarked Chundaar. "But it will be your downfall. Only through your anger will you be able to destroy me."

"My only concern is bringing you to justice," replied Sora. "The Jedi Council must decide your fate. Not me."

Chundaar broke the lock and tried to surprise her with another powerful attack but she re-locked their sabers.

"Then you are wasting your time because the only way you will take me is if you kill me." He sneered. "Face it, young Jedi. You cannot defeat me, and even if you did you would not have the guts to kill me. You all talk the talk but when it comes down to it, you cannot walk the walk. You are as pathetic and weak as the rest of your friends, Master Takenouchi."

Something inside of Sora snapped when she heard him call her friends weak and pathetic. Normally she was able to keep her emotions in check when in a duel but this time she could not. Breaking the saber lock, she assumed a Shii Cho stance and struck hard and fast with all of her strength. The anger and frustration of the duel surged through her veins, making her attacks ten times more powerful than they normally would. Chundaar's smirk had been wiped off his face, trying so desperately to block Sora's attacks but barely hanging on. With one final sequence of strikes, Sora knocked his blade to the side before cutting off his hand, disarming him. The Wookiee cried out in pain as he felt to the ground, gripping his wrist and mourning the loss of his hand, which lay just a few feet away from him. Sora pointed her blade at his throat.

"You are under arrest, Chundaar, for slavery and extortion." She said.

Even in the face of defeat, Chundaar was not going down without getting a word in.

"Go ahead," he said. "Kill me."

"I certainly would like to," replied Sora, her blade still pointed at his throat. "What you have done is unforgivable and should constitute the highest penalty."

She took a breath as the adrenaline rush she had experienced started to fade away, leaving her exhausted and shaking.

"But that is not for me to decide," she said. "The Jedi Council will decide your fate."


Meiko led the two Padawans through the Shadowlands towards the Star Map. Their masters were behind them, limping each way. Tai was still using the Force to recover from the early surprise attack that Kari had given him, while Matt held his hand over his chest trying to heal the scar that was left from Calo Nord.

Kari and TK looked around the area they were travelling. The sky, from what they could see, started to thunder and lightning struck all the way down from the top of the trees. She gulped at the thought of becoming more crispy than a Tatooine Womp rat. "I think Kashyyyk is not happy with us finding the map." Kari said as they moved over a giant root.

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