Chappy Twenty-Six

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Hellro everyone,

Thanks for reading dis story! Hey Hey guess what! *What?* I gotta freind to shout out, if he's reading this story and doesn't want a metion. Deal. But anyway his name is Clayton Andrew Peel! (Yeah fluffy that his middle name hehe) The only reason he gets a shout out is that he reads this story on the kitty/fluffy account. NOW GET BACK IN YOU CAGE! *Slams door in his face* So yeah, here's da story.


**Katlyn's POV**

     I can't belive that I ran into him. I mean he's a big guy and hard to miss. Anyway I tryed to jump out of the way of the bulkiest asian I had ever seen. I finally got frustrated and started to act like I really liked him. I slide my arms around his thick neck. His eyes stared to droop. I smiled slightly. He refeced  what I guessed was my face. Drooped eyes, a little smile, and dream filled eyes. I leaned my little nose his curved small nose. His eyes closed, I smiled. I pressed my lips on his careful to kept my eyes open. I tasted a slight trace of ciggerette smoke on his breath.

      I started to wrap my right leg around his. He pulled awy from the kiss. In one quick movement he was on the ground his dark brown eye once filled with love were now huge and fearful. "Don't scream, please." I said lathering my word with the charmspeak I was gifted. His eyes glazed over just like Hade's.

"Yes ma'ma." he replied in a mellow tone. I pulled the dagger out I chose for a weapon. I turned it so that the butt of it was faceing Frank's face. With tears threating to fall. I brought the knife's hilt to his forhead and pulled it away quickley. With his eyes closed I saw one single tear fall out of the coner. I lifted my left leg over his large body I know that Adam would have killed for befor he started smoking "a few" juicy buds.When he's high he could care less if he looked like a fucked up clown.  I looked at Frank's red Sharpie smered face. He looked really kinda cute when he was knocked out. That will be the first and last time I will ever say that anyone besides Le looks cute.

     I started to run towards the red flag. I reached out when I touched a small tasle and tug on it the flag came with me with ease. I rased it above my head. I tfelt like someone had slapped me in the face. I tryed to ignore the feeling, but my knees buckled under me and I went into a flashback for my horrible childhood.

*******************((Blast To Zee Past))*************************

I was curled in my bed, feeling like my head was on fire and I was going to be sick. It was 2:47, great Adam was going to be here in about 5 minutes. 3 to be accact. And he was bringing his weed. He would always bring my a pack of smokes when I felt sick and didn't come to school. Hey I was 16 and clueless, and always depressed half the time. I herd a knock at my door. "Who is It?" I tried to shout but it came out more of a loud whisper.

"It's da po-po, open up!" said a playful scratchy voice my confused teenager self loved. I stumbled out of my queen sized bed, eager to go get my death sticks from my boyfreind. I almost tripped on my black, right pawed Maneki-neko cat door stopper. This one didn't exactly invite all the weath to my dad's nice-ish house. My father was gay and a bar tender. That was how he met Roux, his boyfreind. My father's alcoholic abuse had died down since Roux had moved in about 3 monthes ago. I call Roux Mr. Impalment because his name is pronouced  Rue.

But any way, I retreved my pack of 20 from my (now ex) boyfreind. He started to roll himself a joint. I asked for a light he pulled out his lighter, I reached for it. He moved it just far enough so my soft fingertips only touched it.

"One light for one kiss, babe" he said with a cheeky smile, he knew that my nicoteen addiction was getting on my nerves and I was stuipid enough to text him I was sick. He knew I didn't hang with my normal group of smoker freinds, Joesiphin, Jach, Josh, and Cellsa. And of course him whitch was the Cloud 9 Man, <-- His nickname to the group.

I closed my eyes and waited for his soft lips to colide with mine. I lean forward to see if he was even there, I was met with a sharp pain. I yelped and my eyes flung open. I had pecked the end of Adam's fat joint. I felf my lips, they were warm with a little ash stuck to them, but nothing noticeable. I herd a husky chuckle that turned into a wheeze quickly. I gave Adam a raged glare. "Gimme that light for free please." I said letting anger and rage seep into my voice. He was still smoker laughing but didn't hand me the light. He pulled the joint out of his mouth made my hand make a V. He put the bud between my index finger and my middle finger.

"Taste." he managed to say between wheezes. I drew a short breath of the joint's smokes into my lungs. I tried to hold the smoke in my lungs, but it burned so bad I cought it all out.

"Not my taste." I choked out, handing him his bitter weed back.

*****************((End OF Zee FLASHBACK))******************

I was rattled from my blackout with a screaming voice saying 'Katlyn, Katlyn, Katlyn!" then the voice would sob after calling my name. I opened my eyes and I was in a white room with Le, Nico, Kitty, and Frank standing over my bed.


Well Hello There Wattpad,

Thanks for being real nice and reading my story. I don't smoke in real life. And I hope that none of you do either. Just remeber what the teachers of your schools sai and drill into your heads, "Don't smoke and Don't Do Drugs."

I just Love all you Beautiful Faces,


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