Chapter Twenty-Five

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**Katlyn's POV**

So I was running as fast as I could, and looking for a tree. That's pretty hard when this was your first time outside in a year, aspecily if you're wearing combat boots. I desided to do something I shouldn't have. I looked up at the sky and screamed "Mom, I hope your eye twitches when you die!"

I finally spotted a tree I could climb, then herd footsteps crunch behind me. I climbed faster, I reached a brach that was about half-way up the tree. I looked down, it was Le. He looked around for a while, then said

"I got Thor's Hammer." I furrowed my brow and climbed down the tree. I got to the lowest branch with ease, and snuck over to where he was. I tapped his shoulder, he jumped in resonse. his cat whisckers and nose were slightly runny from running.

"You said you had Thor's Hammer, where are Black Widow's guns, Cap's sheild, Iron Man, and Hawkeye's bow?" I asked. He chuckled and handed me a bow.

"It's not Hawkeye's but it should help you." he replied, giving me a quiver full of arrows. I slung the bow over my shoulder, and put the quiver over it.

"Thanks, let's run." I said. I was expecting him to make a joke about how shiny Captain America's shield is, or something about how that one purple guy was to cheap to book them to come over.

We ran for a while, then found a clearing. And guess who was standiing there, Leo Valdez. He was holding a silver hammer, and looking around. He spotted me and ran over and picked me up in a tight hug. I tryed to squerm out of his grasp, but failed. I flopped my head on his shoulder and whispered calmly "Let go." He set me down and looked for a clue why he had to let me go. "I don't know if your the real Leo, so I'm gonna get the other one and ask a few questions." I said as I walked a few paces away, grabbed "Leo" and walked back.

"O.K, quick questions for the both of you Leos." I said giving them each a glare. "Where was our first date?"

"Starbucks then OG" shouted one.

"Micky Dees." shouted Thing 2. I ran to the one that had correctly answered, and gave the other a icy glare. That's kinda hard when your eyes look like dirty emeralds.

"We have to get to the flag." siad Thing 2, whitch was just a guy that was Ares's son that had a blessing from his father. He was on the blue team so we ran into the woods and a mini Advengers, I was da Black Widow, Leo was Hawkeye, and thing 2 was zee Hulk. Huh, oh why is Thing 2 Hulk, cause he turned out to have green hair dye in his hair at the time.

We ran around until we found the rest of the blue team, whitch were doing pretty well in our absence, they were making a final push toward the red flag by the lake. I ran under a few pairs of legs and got in the middle, everyone kept fighting. I sprinted between a few red tribal Sharpie wearers, and ran to the flag that was a yard or two infront of me, then I ran into something really hard and not that comfy. I looked up, it was Frank.

**Leo's Pov**

I ran into battle with a hammer that was restricted from most of the other demis.I would clunk people in the head with the hilt, sumoning a mini elctricty storm her and there. I looked to my side to tell a battle/chessey joke to Katlyn, but she wasn't there. I looked around the sea of heads, and the ocasanal flying tooth, at lease I ting they where teeth. I saw a messy mouse fur colored braid falling down a feminein back. I was going to shout incoragement, but when I took a breath air wouldn't come in. I had just realalized I was on my back with a crazed beauty queen yelling,

"Die, die, die!" at me (All those girls come yelling at Le!)

"Get off" I said in a raspy voice. I shoved her off, she held on to my shoe. I kicked her in the chest, she held her boobs and screamed,

"Meh babyies" I lauged and looked for the messy braid. (Lol) Hehe Very funny Kitty.


Hey Fluffernutters,

Sorry I haven't been updateing, my mom and school just don't leave alot of time to be on the inernet. *Slowly moves mouse to top of the screen and clicks close out of youtube.* But seriously, my mom can really make me do stuff, like homework, washing dishes, and clean my room. But she says it's her house and I just have to clean it. "Why?" I would ask "'Cause I said soo." speak of zee devil himself. BEsides "KKKKIIIMMM< DO THESE PANTS MAKE MY BUTT LOOK BIG!?" Sorry if that offened you. But anyway I"m gonna go! O.KsoIwroteastoryandyouguysreadit,alksjjdhfhdujnanfBYE!


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