Chapter Eighteen

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OOOHHHHHH HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY, I just wants to dank everyone for reading dis story!! Y'all proboly are getting all mad now, soooo here's da update!


**Katlyn's POV**

"OM DOUBLE G"s!" I screamed as Piper walked into the room. I got up so fast Leo rubbed his arm when I had aleady locked my arms arond her.

"Oh my gods, is that you Katlyn?" she asked, hugging me back. The blonde guy next to her looked at me with a look that said "Ehhhh, who the fudge are you?"

"I'm her old childhood freind, Blonde Supperman." I said in a cold tone. How I knew that his nickname was that I had no idea.

"O.K, Katlyn is it?" he asked. He glared at me and walked to the front fo the circle of demigods. "As you all know Pipes and I have been married for, what is it know?" he asked at the end, looking at Piper for the answer.

"2 years, silly." she replied. Pipes had looked a little fatter since I had last seen her, whitch was in the 4nd year of high school. I had zond out, then Leo had pulled me into a head lock and screamed in my ear,

"HEY GIRLIE, THEY GONNA HAS A BABY!!" after that he whispered,"And your sick bastard mum watch the whole thing." I laughed as hard a I could at his last comment, Pipes looked at me like I was crazy or somthing.

"Soo, do ya know if it'sa girl or not?" I asked casually, I was used to people looking at me like I was a wild animal. Like the little kids that came from the middle school for a feild trip. Imagine that as your first trip out side of school, have a very nice tour guied infront of you "And this is a person that went ins-, OHH SHIT SHE BIT ME!" Instat unemploment rate goes up .000001%.

Leo had put his arm arond me again, so I fiddled with the hem of his shirt cause I was bored. piper was droning on about something about umbilicle cords, and problems, and Jason acted like a complet idoit the whole time. "Do you want me to take off me shirt?" he playfully "Yeah, and run around and say 'I love Kayltn', then lead me to the bedroom." I whispered back. he laughed under his breath."I just might give that advice to Nico." he returned humor with humor, I make a sound no daughter of the love goddess should make, it sounded like I had a dieing cow in my throat as I tryed to laugh. Now I wasn't used to actally this looked at, expesally old men.

Then to make every thing more weird Leo ripped off his shirt, and took my hand and ran up the stairs sccreaming "I LOVE KATLYN!" I was kinda scared what was going to happen next. He suddenly scooped me up in his arms, and I eas pressed agenst a campfire tattoo on Leo's chest. We finnaly reached his apartment. he fummbled with the lock a bit, just befor he pulled us both inside, he stared to kss my neck, and pulling my shirt over my head. I complied and fiddled with his belt.


"Tee Hee"

Connor Franta, O2L.

Hey Fluffernutters,

I knows what your thinking, "Leo has a tattoo!, Wow she pays atendshion in math class!" yep I got it right on the point of my nose! So with out futher adue. Sorry for see cliffy guys, I love you all to bits, loving writing this story.


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