Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey sorry I haven't been updateing for a while, just been busy doing my parents chores. Gods I hate them sometimes, but I have to at least pretend that I love them. I gotta loving boyfreind that's all I need. But you still want to read a fanfic, not a life story! Sooo here it is!


**KAtlyn's POV**

So I'm waking up, drinking my great coffee. Then BAM Leo's sister comes in and goes all 'Do ya know what could've happened?' on my ass. I was very tired and sore I didn't want to listen to a sex talk given by my boyfreind's sister. So I started to cry, thinking I could do charmcry as good as charmspeak. (Dat as though!)

"I'm so so so sorry, I had to take care of Leo when our mom... pasted" she hesitated at the last word, it seem like she had to think of an excuse.

"Did she die? In a fire?" I asked, trying to cover that I was faking crying by letting my voice crack and sending a few extra tears down my face.

"Yeah, wait how did you know?" she asked.

"You have the same tone my freinds said I had when my "mum" pasted." I said wipeing the fake tears off the sides of my face and making air quotes. Of corse it was a fake tone of sorrow, mabe it was just charmspeak.

--------Flash to the Past--------

"Mom!" my 13 year old self shouted as she enter the sorry place it called home. "Mesa home!"

"Hi ssssswweeetie, how wasss hell?"  my mum's words were slurred, and she only cursed when she was drunk. She came staggering out with a bunch of her "girlfreinds", who also staggered.

"Shhhe's a cutie isn't ssssssssshe?" slurred one of her freinds named Perl. She tried to look at my mother at the time, but failed to do so and fell on the floor, knocked out cold. Another one came over, who seemed sober until I got a whiff of her whiskey caoted breath.

"We had fun Heather, invite mmme over again some time." she seemed to try to sound sober until she belched a word out in the middle of the sentence. She must be new in my mum's house. I was just glad my abuseive dad wasn't over here. He would be slapping me right up the stairs to my room, curseing all the way.

My mom was trying to find a guy to marry, but no one was biteing I wonder why. I wouldn't belive my ears if my mum came up to my room and say "I gotta boyfreind, wanna sssee?" whitch she did, that day after school. I walked down the stairs and tried to avode all the brocken steps. The whole place smelled like a horse's ass that smoked. I walked past the shrine to some club god, my mom was a hindu-thing.

"Hi" said a rugged voice. I turned to see a guy that looked about in his late 40's. He stuck out a hand.

"And you must be the lucky guy." I said my voice full of sarcasim.

"Yrp, Gabe." he replied.

"What no last name?" I asked in the same tone.

"Who cares about thoses things." he said walking to the kitchen, soving his head into the frige, I guessed he was looking for a beer.

"Top self right coner." I said, only trying to be nonhostile, all the guys that she brought home usally ended up beating me.

"Smart kid." he said, I heard a loud bang and a grunt of displease. I smiled my head off until he walked back into the room. KA- spiss! exclaimed the beer can as Gabe opened it. He set it down on the table next to the hall entrace, and walked over to me. HE grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me. "Kaylyn? KATLYN!" he screamed his voice now more femine than a drunk my mum had met.

Cold fresh air hits my face as I'm torn from my flashback. I gasp as much as my lung will hold, to wash away the horse ass taste left in my mouth. I sob quietly, Kitty pulled me into a hug. Trying to sooth me by rubbibg my back, and shushing in my ear, whitch honistly just sends shivers down my spine. I really could care less if a shiver is going down my back right now, I hust visted my least favorite day of my life with my mom, ever.


Hey guys,

Yep I know that waiting sucks balls most of the time, but it usally always prevalles into some thing good. You can quote me on that if ya like. But anyways I just want to thank all my awesome readers! I started out really unpopular, and now my story has over 800 readers, that so many eyes on the same word that I just freshly wrote, and my life storyish thing! O.K I know what you are thinking "Get done with this letter thingy." I swear if Rick reads this, make Apollo say that!

Bye Bye Fluffernutters,


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