Reunited Went Wrong

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"I don't get how you moved on when a band mate left, I am going to cry when get back together. Sure she had her moments but she was my girl at the end of the day. I just wish she broke it in a nicer way.", I admitted to her, "On top of that I am so lost I wanna move out of Texas but I can't leave texas"

I was packing up my lease was ending here this had been my home for a while. I figured a lot of myself in this house, and it hurt to let it go. However I wanted to give LA a real try I know we have a home put here but I wanted to be closer to my parents.

"Oh baby you gonna make me fly out there to your place. A lot to unpack there. First of all it always hurts losing a band member, you all went through stuff together. Camila added her own element and your going to miss her, there is a lot emotions to unpack there. Don't be afraid to let it out."

"I know I have cried a lot these past few days. Goodness Im glad been able to do that. I am over crying. Now moving out I am scared to leave Texas but I want to be closer to y'all. I feel like we never got the chance to be close. We were going through busy Fifth Harmony days and then I moved here. I hate that for us."

"I know baby there hasn't been that time to bond for long time, and I'm not saying move out of Texas. We can still figure something out maybe we can come over to Texas. You don't have to leave Texas, leaving Texas is hard."

"Ill give a few months in LA if I don't like it we can definitely figure a Texas situation because I want a change. Change is scary.", I sighed.

"I know Mani but growth doesn't come without change. I am proud of you, here you are making changes. I need to be like that", She admitted.

"Well look at that Im packed. I am moving my stuff to your place in Texas. I am sending some of my stuff back, I should be out there in a few days."

"Okay call me if you need anything... how has it been going with Keith? I have seen he still doing press tour this week?"

"We talk at night or whenever he'd finish for the day. It has been nice and it has helped me get excited to move. We already have all these plans for when I get back there is a positive. I can't believe its been a month already together time flies."

Camila left the group. She decided she couldn't take it no more and it was a done deal. It came unexpectedly so we pushed back working on the album. This was a big change in our life she was a big part of Fifth Harmony and we had to move one.

We had two more weeks before we were meeting to come up with a plan on how we will continue. Then it was recording an album, releasing and touring.

I decided to make my way back two Texas for a while, Keith is on a press tour he ended the day before I get back to LA. He was busy but we found times to talk even if it was short. He would tell me about his day and I got to hear how it was for actors. I mean all reporters are still nosey they were trying to find a way to sneak my name in. Keith was grade A celebrity he knew how to keep his personal stuff hidden.

Speaking of my place in Houston, I loved my apartment here. It was a calm and safe space free from the limelight. It was a place I could decompress.

I was kind of sad to leave here but in reality I no longer needed it, I am spending money for a place I don't really need.

After taking my stuff over to my moms place here, I sent out the boxes of my clothes I was taking to LA. Then I dropped my keys off to landlord, it was the end of an ERA.

My uber was waiting for me and I felt like that main character of the movie. You know the moment they are making all these changes and are gracefully making the best choices until they all crash down. I hope they do not crash down.

Love Locked (Normani and Keith Powers) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now