The journey home

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This is where her journey begins, at a train station in Osaka at 7:00 a.m, a journey back to where she began and a journey that will hopefully end in her coming back a changed woman; however, she's slightly nervous on the train. That much is apparent to even the air she breathes as she nervously taps her feet on the ground. She didn't pack much, just enough to last her for a few months, certain enough that she could at least provide for herself while living with her uncle. 

After dealing with the attendee at the front gate she made her way to the front cart of the train and nervously darted her eyes around her before helping herself inside. Frozen for a moment, she bit her lip and looked behind her. She took it upon herself to gaze upon the life she'd built for herself, took in the bustling streets of Osaka and felt extremely guilty for having to leave it all behind but a shake of her head gave her the courage to turn back towards the cart and take her seat.

It pained her to make this trip but it had to happen. The train had already been in motion for at least twenty minutes so the time to turn away was gone. All she could do was hope that this wasn't a mistake, that it would somehow turn her into something better, and she hoped she could stop acting like a nervous wreck around all these people. She was certain a woman, before boarding the train, gave her one of the weirdest glares she'd ever seen but that could just be paranoia setting in. Her nerves were really getting to her but she had to keep moving forward. She was worried about meeting up with her uncle after being gone for such a long time. He hadn't seen her in over ten years and, even though he'd offered to let her stay, she couldn't help but be afraid of the situation. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd spent a summer with him and it made her feel somewhat guilty, having him accept her in his life after all this lost time but he's her only family. She has nobody else.

"I guess if it doesn't work out with Kage I'll shack up in some motel and binge on Ice cream and netflix."

Her thoughts drew her in to a small fit of laughter, one that drew the attention of a young boy sitting in front of her. His mother sat next to him, her head resting against the window; while his mother slept, he tugged on yuki's dress to get her attention.

"Hey lady," he asked as he stared in to Yuki's dark eyes. "What's so funny." He had a somewhat puzzled look on his face but that quickly was quickly replaced with an almost laughable smile.

Drawn away from her thoughts, Yuki jumped a bit at the boys sudden question but quickly composed herself as she looked down at him. He seemed so innocent and pure, eyes wide with wonder at the mere sound of someone laughing. Yuki smiled, remembering when was once like him, so full of wonder and hope, without a care in the world, and didn't have the stress of daily life piling down on her.

"Nothing really," she replied, smiling at the boy once more. "And what's your name?"

"My names Hirito, but my friends call me Hiro."

"Well, that's a lovely name. My name's Yuki." Yuki reached out her hand and patted Hiro on the head as a sign of friendship between the two. Shooting him a quick smile, she patted down the fabric of her skirt and began to rummage through her purse.

Yuki couldn't understand why but she'd always had a connection with children. During her years as intern she'd spent most of that time tending to sick children and, in that time, was able to bond with them in a way she could never bond with people her own age. Each child had their own story to tell and every story was always fascinating. They were always so carefree and simple minded and could easily let life slide off their shoulders like water. She used to be like that, once had that childlike joy in her heart just like any child but life got in the way and that joy grew farther and farther away.

Before the boy could ask her more questions, his mother awoke from her slumber and focused her attention on her son with a somewhat shamed look donning her face as she turned to look at Yuki.

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