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Olivia and Elliot were sitting in a restaurant eating dinner. Olivia was laughing at a story Elliot had just told her about. He stared at her and loved how free she looked. She was absolutely stunning, her smile was intoxicating. Olivia stopped laughing and her gaze met his.


"You are so beautiful." She smiled and lowered her head.


"What it's true. You are absolutely stunning."

"Stop it."


"Fine. I just have to get use to your random compliments."

"Facts." Olivia raised an eyebrow questioning Elliot's statement.

"They aren't only compliments, they are also facts." Olivia laughed. they spent the rest of their date laughing and talking. The waiter came over after they were finished eating and placed the check on the table. Elliot paid for their meal and then they decided to walk back to Olivia's apartment. Elliot and Olivia were walking hand in hand turning the corner onto Olivia's street, when a dark SUV pulled right in front of them. Before they knew what was happening, bullets were flying and the two of them were on the ground. The van speed off down the other street before Elliot could get a good look the vehicle. Elliot looked over to Olivia and then realized she was still laying on the ground unconscious. He crawled over to her and saw the blood flowing out of her stomach. Elliot placed his hand over her wound and applied pressure, then with his free hand called an ambulance on his phone. The ambulance arrived rather quickly and they put Olivia on the gurney, then sped off to the hospital. The paramedics allowed Elliot to ride in the back of the ambulance, when they arrived at the hospital the doctors quickly rushed Oliva into an operating room. Elliot was moving through the motions. The doctors tried to get him checked out, but he refused. He called and made arrangements and made sure Lucy was able to watch Noah for the time being. He called the squad and told them about Olivia's situation, then he gave the detectives his statement. A few moments later the squad arrived at the hospital. Fin was the first one to sit beside Elliot.

"What happened?" Elliot looked at Fin and then back down to were his hands were clasped in his lap.

"We were from dinner and then everything went to hell. A dark SUV pulled around the corner and the window was down, there were bullets flying. Then we were on the ground and the car sped off. Olivia was on the ground still bleeding out and she was unconscious.  I called a bus and now we are here." Amanda was the next one to speak.

"Has the doctor said anything?"

"The bullet went through her lower abdomen and it got lodged in her ribs. She lost a lot of blood, but the doctor couldn't tell me anything else and she is in surgery now."Cragen came walking into the hospital, then he saw were they were all gathered together. Fin filled Cragen in and their old captain told them he got a call from the hospital, since he was listed as Olivia's emergency contact. Everyone waited for hours anxiously wondering how Olivia was fairing. A few hours later the doctor came out to inform them of Olivia's status. Elliot was the first one to stand from where he was sitting.

"How is she?"

"Olivia suffered from a substantial amount of blood loss. The bullet went through her lower abdomen tearing through some tissue and then proceeded to fracture her rib. We were able to successfully remove the bullet and she should make a full recovery. One last thing due to the impact from Olivia hitting her head on the ground, she also has a mild concussion. In conclusion Miss Benson is going to have to endure a lot of physical therapy and she of course will have to stay at least a while in the hospital." Everyone sighed, relieved that Olivia was going to be alight.

"Can I see her?" Elliot asked hoping the doctor would say yes. The doctor nodded her head yes after thinking it over for a few moments.

"Only one person, Miss Benson is exhausted and she needs her rest. I will allow you to see her for 15 minutes. Elliot nodded and the doctor led him to Olivia's room, then closed the door quietly behind herself. Elliot walked over to the side of Olivia's bedside and his heart broke. Olivia looked a little less pale than before, her face was plain, and he could see how tired she was. He placed his hand gingerly over hers and sniffled.

"God Liv, you scared me for a minute." Olivia didn't move or speak and Elliot finally let the tears he had been holding in spill down his cheeks. He was crying because the woman he loved was hurt, but he was also crying because she would live for him to tell how much he loves her, and she would live to see Noah smile. He lowered his head and continued to cry.

"Its been a while since I've seen you cry." Olivia crooked out, her voice was low and raspy. Elliot lifted his head relived to hear Olivia's voice again.

"Well I didn't have a reason to until now. Olivia smiled at Elliot and began to laugh, which turned into a coughing fit. Elliot let go of Olivia's hand and fixed her a cup of water. Elliot let her drink, while he pulled up a chair to the side of her bed. After she was done Elliot placed the empty cup back on the bedside table. He reaches for her hand and claps it between the two of his. They stare at each other for a moment and Olivia looks as if she is going to cry.


"I talked to Lucy and she is going to say with him until we get everything figured out." Olivia nods her head.

"Were you hurt?" Elliot shakes his head no.

"I have a few scratches, but nothing to worry about."


"Did they get who did it?"

"Not yet Liv. I didn't get a good look at the car or the face."

"Fantastic." There is a moment of silence that is soon broken by Olivia.

"Some way to end a date." Elliot flashes Olivia a angry glare not understanding why she was making jokes when she could've died.


"What?" Elliot gets up out of the chair and paces at the edge of Olivia's bed.

"You're choosing to make jokes right now, when you could've died a few hours ago. I could've lost. Noah could've lost you and you're trying to make this a laughing matter. News flash Olivia it's not a time to laugh, because you almost dying is not funny." Elliot stops pacing and turns to face away from Olivia. Olivia lays on the hospital bed stunned by Elliot's outburst. Then she realizes that everything he said was absolutely right and it wasn't the right time for her to be making jokes, then her eyes fill with tears.

"El?" Elliot takes a deep breath and turns to face Olivia.

"I'm sorry. I just... I was trying to lighten the mood. You're right, I shouldn't have made a joke. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to upset you. I'm sorry. I... I'm so sorry. El I didn't." Olivia voice breaks as a sob interrupts her apologies.

"I'm sorry El. I'm sorry." Elliot walks over to Olivia and gently sits on the bed. He holds her in his arms without hurting her as she continues to sob. He get her to calm down by telling her he is sorry for yelling and that he understands. Olivia finally stops sobbing and Elliot pulls back from their awkward hold on one another. They look at each other, then Elliot plants a small sweet kiss on Olivia's lips. the doctor interrupts them an tell Elliot that Olivia needs to get some rest.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." Elliot gets up ad places on last kiss on Oliva's lips.

"I love you to El." Elliot gets to the door and then locks his eyes with Olivia's.

"Get some rest. 1PP has a uniformed officer out here 24/7." Olivia nods and Elliot leaves. He finally gets to Olivia's apartment and relives Lucy. He sleeps on the couch, because he cant sleep in Olivia's bed without her beside him.

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