Phone Call

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Olivia laid in bed thinking about what happened between her and Elliot earlier at dinner. He hadn't done the best at explaining his prolonged absence from her life. She had hailed a cab after she left him in the restaurant to get home. She looked over at her clock 12:47 it had only been about 4 hours since she got home. Noah was still awake and Lucy had already given him a bath and gotten him into his pajamas. Olivia got Noah into bed after reading him a story letting Lucy go home. Olivia had made the cab driver stay to take Lucy home so she wouldn't be out on the streets waiting for one and she had paid the fair too. Olivia finally drifted off to sleep around one o'clock.

Olivia woke up to her cellphone ringing and she picked it up absentmindedly not bothering to look at the caller I.D.


"You still answer your phone with your last name" Elliot said smirking at his statement

Olivia sat up in her bed and looked at her clock 7:03 am. Olivia had a confused expression on her face "Who is this?"

"Its Elliot"

Olivia sighed at the mention of who was one the other line

"How did you get my phone number?"

"Did you forget what I use to do for a living?"

"What do you want Elliot?"

"I want to talk to you again."

"What do you think your doing right now?"

"I mea in person Liv."

Olivia rolled her eyes at the mention of him saying her nickname.

"Elliot I thought I made myself very clear after leaving you in that restaurant that I didn't want to see or hear from you again, so please leave me alone." Before Elliot could even respond he heard a click indicating that Olivia had hung up on him.   

Olivia felt as if she had handled Elliot  and decided to get ready for work. Olivia walked out of her room and to Noah's room to get him ready for daycare.

"Noah honey, come on its time to get up."

Noah rolled over in his bed and looked up at his mother with heavy eye lids.

"I still sleepy."

"Oh I know but we cant sleep our lives away."


"Well sleeping all day wouldn't allow great boys like you to do great things and if you get out of bed right now maybe we could go to the zoo this weekend." Noah's eyes opened fully and he reached out for his mother to pick him up.

Olivia got herself and Noah ready, she dropped him off at daycare and made it to the precinct at 8. When Olivia walked into the squad room she noticed everyone's eyes on her and she looked round curiously.

"Why are you guys staring at me like I have attention written on m forehead"

"You have a visitor." Fin said nodding in the direction of her office. Olivia looked up at her office and saw Elliot standing there. She rolled her eyes and walked into her office and slammed her door behind her. Olivia walked over to her desk still holding her things in her arms.

"Elliot didn't I..." Olivia wasn't able to finish her sentence before she was cut off by Elliot.

"Olivia shut up and listen."

Olivia put her things down on her desk and looked at Elliot with a smirk on her face.

"I'm listening."

"I didn't want to leave. When I shot Jenna I jut couldn't deal with al the guilt, so I gave up on the job and myself. I did what I did and I ran from my problems. I shouldn't have left you twisting in the wind. After a while I realized that I needed you more than o thought I did. You have always helped me through bad times but you were right I didn't think about the consequences."

"Look Elliot I understand why you left. Its just the way you left that I cant understand."

"Once again you are right I should've called or something instead of not talking to you."

Olivia and Elliot stared at each other for awhile in complete silence. Olivia finally realized that he could have never spoken to her again but he came back he was here trying to make amends. Then Elliot smiled at Olivia and she smiled back at him. They closed the gap between them with a hug.

"I missed you." Elliot said

"I missed you too."

AN: They made up quick, but there is still many obstacles they must face before they realize their love for one another. Leave comments and feedback and also follow.

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