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After their talk Olivia had been more open with Elliot. Olivia decided to invite Elliot to her apartment for brunch date. She decided to make some cinnamon waffles and a bowl of fruit. She was in the process of taking the last waffle off the waffle iron, when she heard him knock on the door. She was a little nervous, but she hid it well enough for Elliot not to notice. When she opened the door Elliot was standing there smiling, he was wearing a grey sweater and light jeans. She opted on wearing a black and white stripped sweater, skinny jeans, and her hair in a ponytail.

"You look good Liv."

"Thanks, so do you."

"Come in the food is ready." Elliot followed Olivia and sat down at the island.

"Orange juice or water?"

"Juice is fine." Olivia fixed them both some juice and their plates. They started eating.

"The food is great Liv."



"Yea, El?"

"Is there something going on with you?"

"No, El."

"Liv, we talked about this."

"I know El, I'm just..." Olivia was cut off by a knock at the door. She got up ad opened the door. Olivia was gone for a brief moment. Elliot fiddled with the last bit of fruit on his plate.

"El, I want you to meet someone." He turned around to see Olivia smiling and holding Noah.


"Elliot meet Noah. Noah this is mommies friend." Elliot got up and walked over to were Olivia was standing with Noah. 

"Hi, Noah."

"Noah say hi to Elliot."

"Hi Eweot." Olivia walked over and sat herself and Noah down on the couch. Elliot sat in the armchair diagonal from them.

"Can I pway mommy?"

"Yes, of course you can sweetheart." Olivia let Noah get down off the couch and play with his trucks on the floor. Elliot got up and sat beside Olivia on the couch. He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. She looked up at him smiling.

"Why now?"

"Well you said you love me and I thought it was time that you started seeing another part of me. Noah is the other part of me and I think to fully love me you have to love Noah too." Elliot was genuinely at a lost for words.

"God I thought I couldn't love you more, but you proved me wrong." Elliot brought his hands to Olivia's face and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was simple and sweet. they stayed in Olivia's apartment the whole day. They played with Noah, watched movies and ate together. The trio was halfway through the Dumbo Movie, when Noah fell asleep. Olivia went and put Noah down for the night, while Elliot decided to do some light cleaning. When she came back Elliot had cleaned up their takeout trash off the coffee table and put away the few dishes they used.

"Hey. Is he down for the night?"

"Yea, and you didn't have to do the dishes."

"I don't mind." Elliot dried his hands off on the dish towel and sat it back on the counter top. Olivia walked back into the living room and turned the TV off. Elliot walked up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist. She giggled and placed her hands on top of his.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Elliot started placing light kisses on Olivia's neck making her gasps. Olivia's heartbeat began to speed up when Elliot turned her around to face him. Chocolate eyes meet blue eyes and then they fused their lips together. The kiss was passionate and demanding, the passion only grew from that moment and the demand turned into wanting. They broke the kiss to catch some air.



"I want you to stay."

"I already told you Liv, I'm not going anywhere."

"No. I want you to stay the night."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Olivia took Elliot's hand and led him to her bedroom. When they reached the her room, Olivia closed the door and was surprised when she found herself pinned up against it. Elliot was kissing her and it felt amazing. It was electrifying and everything she needed and wanted in the moment. They slowly made their way to her bed and Olivia sat down on it, while Elliot stood right in front of her. She reached up and began pushing her sweater above her head. Elliot took a look at the view, Olivia wore a navy blue lace bra and she looked devastatingly beautiful. Elliot bent down and began to slowly kiss Olivia. She then moved to take off Elliot's sweater and his body looked as if it was sculpted by god himself. The rest was a blur, their clothes came off and they made love, very passionate, sweaty love. Olivia felt every nerve in her body tingle and it was amazing. They had just finished their first round and they were wrapped in each others arms. Their limbs were tangled along with Olivia's creamed colored sheets. It was hard for Olivia to be quiet when Elliot was bringing her to the point of oblivion. They brought their lips together one last time before completely relaxing.

"That was amazing Liv."

"It was everything I thought it would be and more."





"I love you." Olivia kissed Elliot again and looked into his eyes.

"I Love you too, El."

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