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Luke's POV
Then she woke up. I was the only one awake and she looked at me with a confused face.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"
My heart broke into millions of pieces. She didn't remember me! Maybe she didn't remember anyone. I hope! Everyone woke up and Sophie knew all of them but me! I was broken the girl I love doesn't remember me! I couldn't believe it. Then the doctor walked in.

He told us that Sophie was fine to go home and that she could suffer a slight but if amnesia.
I followed the doctor as he walked out the door.
"Hey doc. You see Sophie remembers everyone but me.."
Before I could finish he spoke up.
"That happens quite a lot you see sometimes they forget the people they love the most!"
He said and turned to walk away. I had a massive smile on my face and I walked back into room and everyone was ready.

I plugged my earphones in and listened to some music as we were on our way home. I knew I had to some how get Sophie to remember me. Just how do I do that?

Sorry it's short but I ain't got much battery so I have got to go. Also I might be making a new fanfic but I don't know yet.

See you next time my little penguins!!

-Sophie xxxxxxxx

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