✧F O U R✧

Mulai dari awal

I threw my phone to the other side of the room.

"WOAH!, calm Luke calm!"Michael went to go and retrieve my broken phone and Ashton had just come back asking about what the noise was.

"Someone's stalking me. They have m—my Mum's ring. I have to phone the police!" I got up and went to get my phone but Michael put it in his pocket telling me to calm down.

"Luke calm, it's probably just a joke" Calum tried to ration with me to put my mind at ease but I was just so upset.

That is the most vile and disgusting thing I've been texted.

"Look, if you want to go home I'll walk you home"Michael offered.

"We'll all walk you home" Ashton chimed in sitting down to put his shoes back on like Calum.

"You get so paranoid" Michael joked and I just wanted to punch him. Well wouldn't you be alarmed that some guy has a possession of yours in his hands.


"Thanks guys" I was on the other side of the door saying goodbye to the boys when I asked to get my phone back from Michael.

"By the way do you want to come to the ditch tomorrow after school with us?" Michael offered and both Calum and Ashton stopped in their tracks turning around.

"Nah, it's not Luke's scene Mikey" Ashton joked. Calum agreeing with a smirk spread across his tanned face.

"How do you know?"I mocked.

"Well you don't smoke you don't drink alcohol and you're a virgin"

"Pftt*, of course I've taken alcohol before. What are you?. Five"I laugh.

"And what about smoking, hmmm?"Calum argued in a joking manner.

Michael gave me my phone before turning around to the guys.

"Come on, lets go."

"Well goodnight Virgin Luc'Assssss' !" Emphasising on the ass part Ashton shouted.

"Night Asshole Ashton!"

"DON'T! swear!"he shouted back and that's when I shouted no back and closed my door before heading to bed. Both my aunt and uncle weren't finished work till nine.

I looked at my phone one last time and called it a night.

And a bing* sound came from my phone. I didn't expect it from the Blocked ID. I was sure I couldn't swallow the feeling of the next words.

You BETTER be at that Party tomorrow, or someone you love will Die :) .


I woke up with a clear mind trying to not think about what happened last night.

My aunt and uncle left early not being able to give me a lift so I took the bus instead.

Not paying attention to class just wanting the day to come to and end so I can get this over with.



Durning break I had arranged to get a lift there with Michael and Calum as Ashton had other things to do before he could go. As I didn't mind hanging out with them. Calum was more outgoing than usual though.

He was rapping to some pop artist on the radio as Michael was sipping on an energy drink as he said he didn't want to drunk tonight as it usually got a bit crazy.

Though I couldn't relate to getting drunk and having to be a chaperone for your friends. I can relate to being an over thinker when planing outings.

"Hey, Ash just texted me. He's on his way there"

"Coo-oh -cooooool" Calum sang. And he wasn't that bad either.

"Dude, you're like so good at singing"

"Pftt*, you're just joking" Calum was still mumbling to the rap song and I was cheering him on through the car ride which only seemed minutes to get to.

"Here we are!" Michael shouted turning his engine off and collecting his phone and keys to his car.

"So who is actually here!" I shout over the blaring music in the woods.

Lights illuminating the trees in all different colours. Flashing in all different ways.

"Looks amazing!"I shout. I was sure to have a headache in the morning.

"Hey, lets go and get some drinks!" Calum shouts Michael nodding before we all get out the car.

"Ashton did—he's at the fire pit!" Michael tells me.

"Can you get me a drink then!?"

"Sure!. You go find Ashton!" I smiled letting Calum and Michael walk away through tons of people.

It was extremely hot from the fire pit, so I had to take off my hoodie and wrap it around my waist.

"Luke!" I heard Ashton. But I couldn't see him.

"Ash!?"I shout back.

"Over here!"I saw a figure waving but I knew it was him from the green bomber jacket.

"Where's Calum and Michael!?" I couldn't quite understand what he was saying but I could hear the names Calum and Michael so I assumed he was asking about where they were.

"Getting us drinks!" And speaking of the devils both of them where walking towards us. Sliding through the sweaty teens dancing to the music.

"Here!" Michael shoved the red plastic cup into my hand not bothering to tell me what it was as Ashton took his off Calum and began to chug it.

Mine on the other hand was not that easy, it was either straight vodka or some sourz.

"Chug it!. Don't be a wuss!" Ashton cheered on after chugging his drink down soon growing to everyone around shouting "Chug it!" At me and I eventually did.

How wrong was I to do that, because after that only drink I some how still didn't remember what was going on. It was like I had been drugged but I couldn't of...they were all drinking alcohol too...


So about Luke getting drugged... yeah I haven't got any words to say on that. Michael drugged the drink and Ashton was just chugging water along side Calum and Michael wasn't drinking as he was pretending to be the only sober person when in reality they were all sober. :)

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