Hard work pays off

Start from the beginning

These days spent in the Leaf Village were amazing. I had become very close to every member of team Guy. The bonds I was creating were being sewn right before my eyes. I smiled and stopped, looking at my three teammates walk ahead of me. Lee was pestering Neji and TenTen was laughing at the two of them arguing. They really were like my family. They realized I had fallen behind and turned around to face me. "Kagome is something wrong?" Neji said tilting his head at me. "No! Nothing at all. I'm just- I'm just really happy right now. Cmon let's hurry! Hey Lee I'll race ya!" I said punching him in the shoulder as I ran past him.
"A challenge! KAGOME YOU KEEP SURPRISING ME!" Lee said running towards me at full speed.
We bumped into the rest of the gang on our way to the Barbecue place and they all surprisingly decided to join in the celebratory dinner. I sat in between Sakura and Neji. Naruto was seated directly across from me as Ino sat close to Sai giving him googly eyes the whole time. Everyone else was there besides Hinata, Kiba, and Shino.

I sighed to myself as Sakura looked over at me. "Is something wrong Kagome?"
"Oh no it's nothing, I just....I wish Kiba were here." I looked up to see suspicious eyes from everyone as their conversations stopped at my comment. "Haha I mean uh I wish Kiba and his team were here! Yeah!"
*Kagome you idiot you can't go around saying that people might pick up on something. Of course the girls already know a little bit about this stupid crush.*
It seemed I had fooled them this time. I have to be careful not to let something like that slip. "So what are we even celebrating for anyway?" Naruto spoke up looking at everyone scratching the top of his head. "NARUTO YOU BIG IDIOT HAVE YOU NOT BEEN LISTENING THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Sakura said getting big headed at his comment. "In our match today Kagome stopped me without physical contact! Her training is paying off well!" Lee spoke up turning towards me and smiling. "That's right and I couldn't have done it without Neji here. He's the one who deserves a congratulations. If he hadn't have pushed me as hard as he did I wouldn't be where I am right now." I put my arm around him hugging him to my side. I could feel him hold his breath at my touch. "So have you tried it out on anyone else?" Choji said between mouthfuls. "No I haven't yet, although I probably should to see what limits I'm at." I said placing a hand on my chin. "GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA!" Naruto said standing up. "What is it now? Another dumb idea that will get us in trouble? Count me out." Shikamaru spoke sighing at his words. "Hear me out guys. This will be a perfect way to test out how powerful Kagomes jutsu is right now." He snickered to himself as we all looked at him curiously.

"Well spit it out already!" Sakura said getting aggravated. "I believe he is pausing for a dramatic effect Sakura." Sai said looking over at us and smiling. "So since Kagomes special ability is convincing people to do things... and she needs to see how powerful her new power is...." Naruto spoke walking around us all. "ALRIGHT ENOUGH WITH THE PAUSING GET TO IT ALREADY KNUCKLEHEAD!" Sakura said standing up and waving her fist in his face. "OK GEEZE GIMMIE A BREAK! Fine. Ok so who's the one guy we all have tried to convince to do a certain thing at least once in our lives!" He said looking down at all of us. I looked around confused at them while they all shot each other glances mumbling amongst themselves. Everyone seemed confused except for Shikamaru. "Naruto. I hate to admit it... but you might be a genius." Shikamaru spoke before nodding his head contemplating.
"Anyone care to fill me in?" TenTen spoke up while the others agreed with her. "I'll put it simply. Kagome. To test your powers you're going to try to convince Kakashi sensei to reveal his face!" Naruto said putting his hands on his hips.
Before I knew it we were all moving stealthily throughout the village in search of Kakashi.
"So what's the plan again?" I said looking over at Naruto. "Ok so this is what's going to happen. You're going to put on an act and ask him about make out paradise. That will definitely get his attention." Sakura spoke up after Naruto "and once you have his attention activate your Suadere and make sure he makes eye contact with you." Naruto then spoke up again " once you're sure he's in your trance you're going to tell him to remove his mask. Now he's going to fight you on this and resist as much as possible but don't give in!" And with that I was shoved from behind the wall and onto the path. Kakashi was just ahead and sure enough he was reading his book. I looked back at them. Their heads poked out from behind as they all gave me a thumbs up.
I can't let them down now they're all counting on me.

I approached Kakashi slowly at first and then put on my act. "Excuse me Kakashi sensei!" I stopped and turned around to face me. "Oh hello Kagome need something?" He said briefly looking up from his book. "Actually I was wondering if you could tell me about the book you're reading. You see I'm a fan of romance novels and I heard you know a good deal about which ones to recommend." I said acting innocent. I couldn't see it from behind his mask but I could tell a smile appeared on his face. He shut the book and looked at me in the eyes. *its not or never Kagome GO!*

"Suadere!" I planted my feet firmly at the ground and captures his gaze. His facial expression changed to pure horror as a sweat bead began to gather on his forehead. "SHE GOT HIM!" I heard Naruto yell as they all came out from hiding and gathered behind me. Words of encouragement came from them telling me to make him remove his mask.
He was putting up a good fight but I had him in my grip. I focused on him more before he spoke up. "I should have known better! No one is ever interested in these books!" Kakashi said fighting back against my jutsu. "She's really going to do it" Shikamaru said from behind me. "I trained her well." Neji proudly boasted. "It's all over Kakashi! That mask is coming off once and for all!" Sakura yelled as they all chimed in taunting him.
*time to get this show on the road!*
"Kakashi sensei! Remove your mask." I yelled out to him.

His arm slowly went to his face as his began to pour sweat. We all watched in anticipation as his fingers slipped under the fabric and began pulling it down at an agonizingly slow rate. It was almost over the bridge of his nose when we heard a screaming coming from the roof tops. Everyone but me directed their attention to the noise

"FIGHT ME KAKASHIIIIIIIII" was all we heard as Guy sensei came crashing down in front of me. Breaking my eye contact with Kakashi. "GUY SENSEI NO!" TenTen yelled from behind, but it was all too late. Kakashi slipped his mask back up as we all fell over in one big let down. "WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO IF IT WASNT FOR YOUR-YOUR-STUPID RIVALRY!" Naruto yelled shaking his fist at Kakashi. I looked up to see Kakashi wipe the sweat off his forehead with a relieved look on his face.
"Another ruined oppertunity.. what a drag. I'm going home." Shikamaru said as we all got up.

"Maybe next time Kagome" TenTen said disappointed as she walked off with Lee and Choji. Everyone followed suit and left including Kakashi and Guy until only myself and Neji remained.
"Mind if I walk you home Kagome?" Neji said looking over at me. I smiled and walked beside him. Over these past days I have grown quite fond of Neji. He was quiet and reserved around large groups but when it was just me and him me talked and asked questions. I found myself enjoying his company greatly. He even told me about his past and why he used to resent his family. I understood why he was so cold to everyone before, slowly but surely he was warming up to me. When we arrived at my house he grabbed my arm making me face towards him.

"I want to express how proud I am of you. You have worked extremely hard these last five days and I know you will continue to train once you're placed on another team. I'm glad I was apart of this." He smiled down at me slowly letting go of my arm.
"You make it sound as if you're going somewhere? I hope you don't think that when this week is up our time together is as well." I looked up at him and smiled nudging him with my elbow. He had a surprised look on his face. "Id like you to keep training me... that is if you don't mind." I twiddled my thumbs awaiting his response. A slight red dusted his cheeks before he spoke up. "I'd like that." I smiled at him before turning on my heel and heading into my house "I'll see you tomorrow then Neji!" He waved at me as I shut the door.

*tomorrow! KIBA IS COMING HOME TOMRROW!!!!* I remembered as I checked the date. It had been 6 days since his departure and he told me he'd be back in a week. I paced around the house as butterflies gathered in my stomach. It had been so long since I had seen him I couldn't wait to hear his voice, see his smile, and be in his presence! I was also pretty excited to see Hinata and Shino as well although im not sure if Shino would be happy to see me.

That night I was filled with happiness as thoughts of training with Neji, seeing Kiba, and exacting my revenge went through my mind.

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