Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Chapter 8*

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  • Dedicated to To all the fans who are reading this and stuck by me! THANKS!!!

*Anami's p.o.v*

Waking up in the morning was the best absolute feeling in the world. It's what came afterward that is killing me slowly right now. I just wish I could rewind and hide about the time Rangiku came in.

Here's the story...

It was so peaceful, quiet, and relaxing when I woke up. The serenity of the room made everything just so... amazing. My head cleared, my body didn't ache, and my skin just felt so smooth. I rubbed my hands against my arms, not because I was cold, I was just savoring the feeling for the moment. I had a nagging feeling I wouldn't feel that feeling in a long time. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw what I thought was the brown wood of the ceiling; instead, it was the brown wood of a coffee table.

I sat up quickly and fluidly by surprise. At first, I was confused as hell, but then I barely realized I was on the floor. My brain rattled inside my head trying to find a solution when last night's memory came flooding back.

"ANAMI!!!" Rangiku yelled and slammed the door open. Just in time to see me blush a deep crimson. Her mouth smirked as she said, "What happened in here that made you like... this?" so slyly that I just blushed harder. She sniffed the air. "It smells too clean, but it makes me wonder..."

"Wonder what?" I asked.

"Did you have a quicky with someone?"

"A WHAT!?"



"Well you're no fun." She pouted at me.

"Well sorry if I'm not a whore."

I heard a gasp come from her direction. "AN INNOCENT GIRL LIKE YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE THAT WORD IN THEIR VOCABULARY!!!" She yelled in surprise. She grabbed my arms and sat me on the couch. "WE MUST CLEANSE YOU!" She yelled and kept on blabbing on about cleaning my head and regaining my innocence. Seriously.


"LET US GET THE CANDLE," she pulled a candle from... somewhere... "AND LIGHT IT TO CLEAN THE DARK AURA AROUND YOU--..."

"Rangiku... shut up."

"Ok." She said and sat down next to me. I barely realized something.... "Rangiku.... where did you get that candle anyways?"

There was a moment of silence.

"That is a..... really good question that shall be answered whenever I have found the answer." She said that sounded so smartly. Ok, something's wrong with her.

"Rangiku, what is wrong with you?" I ask carefully.

"Nothing..! Nothing..! Nothing!! It's just that I haven't had a drink in..." She wandered off as she counted her fingers. "8 DAYS!!!" She exclaimed holding up 9 shaking fingers. I started chuckling.

"Well, take a drink..." I say simply.

"NO I CAN'T!" She screams in my face.

"...or maybe not..." I say kind of scared. Have you ever seen a grown lady, who has probably never drunk anything else besides sake, who has quit alcohol for 8 days, scream at you like bloody murder in your face?

If not, you're lucky.

"Why not?" I meekly whisper. Scared she'd yell again, I cover my face with my arms and shut my eyes, preparing for a tsunami-like yell to sound, but instead, she answered,

"Because I'm trying to quit and stay sober so I can do my paperwork." like if it was the most simplest question to answer.

I let my guard down. "Yeah, but why?"

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now