Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Chapter 4*

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*Anami's p.o.v*

"Aww, look at that!"

"Shh! They could wake up."

"Quick! Get the camera."

Then, with my eyelids still closed, I saw a flash of light. The light was wayyyy to bright, so I stirred and woke up. Okay, I'm going to murder that person. Lets just say that the saying "I'm not a morning person" is an understatement for me. Now, I'm extremely pissed.

I tried to sit up, but there was something around my waist that held me down. I opened my eyes and saw that the something around my waist was an arm. Weird. I followed the arm and noticed that it was attached to a person . . .

'No shit Sherlock.'

A voice said in my head. Apparently, I'm at the stage of where I have voices in my head replying to any obvious accusations I make . . . I don't know if I should be worried or fascinated.

'Focus on the person!!!'

Okay! Okay! Chill.

'Who is it?'

I looked at them again. I couldn't see their face, but I'm pretty sure I know who it is. My vision is still blurry from sleep, my mind is still tired, but I'm absolutely positive that there's white strands of hair.

'You are correct.'

Toshiro . . . why is he--

"Aww, she's awake! YOU IDIOTS!" Grrr . . . . . looks like it's going to be Rangiku's funeral.

"Rangiku!" I meant for it to sound menacing and deadly, but I was too sleepy and it came out as whining. Captain Ukitake and Rukia were there next to her.

"Sorry, you two just look too cute~!" Rangiku squealed while Rukia ran next to her side and just nod her head excitedly. Ugh. Well, looking at our body positions, I guess they had a good reason to be excited. I was laying on my back, while Toshiro was on his side. His head was on my shoulder and his arm was around my waist (obviously). He was curled a bit. If I was to be asleep, then my head would be on his head.

'Please make them go away!'

You think I'm not trying?

'No cause you haven't said anything.'

. . . shut up.

"Can you please go away?" I asked. I placed my head on his, his scent reaching me. God! Peppermint and Cinnamon! I love his scent. I closed my eyes and embraced his scent greedily. Please let time pause. I sit up, only to have Toshiro sit up with me and still asleep on my shoulder.

"No!" Rangiku protested. Rukia didn't want to go, but was willing to. She probably saw how tired I was; and I really was tired. I felt like a zombie when I was replying.

"Come on Rangiku, would you like to drink sake with me?" Rukia asks.


'She doesn't you idiot. She's just going to get her out of the room and get her drunk. Rukia's just going to drink some water but pretend that it's sake.'

Wow. She's smart.

"YES!!!" She got Rukia by the arm. "Besides, I got a picture!!!" Wait, what does she mean by "I got a picture?" Before I can ask her, she ran out of the room with Rukia. Before Rukia can leave, I send her a grateful smile. She returned it with her own smile before exiting.

"How are you feeling?" Captain Ukitake asked me, placing a candy basket on the table next to my hospital bed.

"I'm feeling fine. Tired and my head hurts, but I'm fine. Thank you. How are you, Captain?" I ask him, knowing that he's sick.

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now