Like An Unfinished Puzzle *Chapter 14*

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*Anami's p.o.v*

"Why don't you sit down, Anami?" Unohana first spoke not soon after the doors shut. Hell no.

"No thanks. I'm fine standing," I say, slowly making my way to the door. Rukia seemed to notice this so she made her way towards the doors, blocking my path. I silently curse under my breath and look back at Unohana as she cleared her throat.

"Well, I think it'll be better if you take a seat," Unohana restated with more authority in her voice as she pointed to the seat next to where she was standing. Accepting defeat, I walk over to her, passing Rangiku's smirking face. I swear one day I'll just snap and slap Rangiku's face so hard...

As I sat down facing the left wall, Rukia, Rangiku, and Unohana circled me. Rukia was on my left blocking my way to the entrance, Rangiku was on my right sitting on a window sill that showcased Squad 4's courtyard, and Unohana was behind me. She reached to the wall on our right side and pulled out a magnifier with a LED light. She puts the magnifying glass directly above my head and turns the light on, adjusting the position of my head a bit to perfectly see my cut.

"Your stitches have reopened, as I suspected," she says. I just shrug it off, not really caring about my head wound. I had more important things to think about but Unohana thought otherwise. "It might not seem so important, Anami, and you may not care about the consequences which may come, but I'm not going to allow you to be in this dangerous situation."

With Unohana's threat lingering in the air, all of us stayed silent. Everyone knew not to mess with Unohana when she got like this.

"Now," Unohana said, breaking the silence that had befallen us. Woah... befallen. It sounds like a name of a rock band or album or something. I wonder if there is one named like that. Befallen... I'm getting goosebumps just saying it. I mean, it's just so... "Why don't you tell us what exactly happened between you and Captain Hitsugaya?"

...well I'm screwed.

Coming out of my thoughts, I look at both Rangiku and Rukia to see their smirking faces. They're evil I tell you... EVIL! They're in league with each other so they can all try and get godchildren from both me and Toshiro. Why is this happening to me?!

'...what the hell is wrong with you'? I heard Raven say. Just ignore her, Anami.

During my very sane and intellectual-

'Yeah right...'

-thinking, I unconsciously started to fuss around. That not a really good idea when a very deadly person, with influence from two matchmaking demons, is holding a needle close to a very open and bleeding head wound.

"Anami, stay still," she orders me. Before I can even respond, I hear a loud ripping sound from behind me. Next thing I know, Rangiku and Rukia are holding me down by my shoulders and 2 straps come across me: one across my stomach and another across my shoulders. Once that's done, Rangiku and Rukia hold down my arms and strap them down then do the same to my legs. All the while, I struggle and fight against them, landing a few good hits and kicks. After I'm strapped in, Rangiku is left with a bruise on her left cheek and a cut from me scratching her under her left eye, Rukia had a good bruise on her right forearm and left knee, and Unohana has her braid slightly disheveled and a slight scratch on her right check.

"I'm sorry girls," Unohana says while walking to the a cabinet she has next to her desk. "She's only reacting this way because of her head wound and loss of blood. Her brain has reacted in a defensive measure in order to protect her." However, because of how much blood I lost, I heard: "The swirly whirls peas are snacking on hay Tina suffered bed tune in moss of crud. Her train pass acted tuna message pleasure transformer soon muppet turn."

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now