Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

''Eli?'' I questioned in complete and utter shock.

The boy was dressed in black, slightly baggy jeans and a black hoodie with the hood up. He was looking down but once his name was mentioned, his head shot up.

I walked over towards him ''I've never seen you here before...''

He just said ''yeah, well.''

When he tried get past me I said ''wait why are you in the hallway before class has ended?'' Whilst waiting for his reply, I noticed he looked like shit to put it simply. His hair that you could see from under his hoodie was all dishevelled and messy though it didn't look that bad. He had dark prominent circles beneath his eyes and he looked pale.

''I woke up late,'' he said rubbing his eyes ''I need to be somewhere.''

''Bye'' I said quietly watching his figure turn a corner and disappear.

Eli P.O.V

I knew she was taking in my appearance but something was different. Instead of scrutinising me with her eyes, I could see some concern in them. No, it's probably the lack of sleep getting to me.

''I need to be somewhere'' I said and quickly but seemingly casually walked off.

No point of going to class now, plus if I did I would have to explain to the teachers why I was late and get stared at for the remainder of the lesson.

I went to the library. It's secluded and the lighting's horrible so it's a win win for me and me.

Once I say down, I immediately slouched down in my spot.

A flashback of last night came to my head but I tried to shake it away.


I was using all the evidence to try and figure it out. I started just under a year ago but it's been so hard.

My father came into the house, I could here him and my instincts were telling me to hide the stuff.

I ignored them and carried on working on my laptop, reading articles from that day.

Everything was there but when I put it together it didn't make sense.

All of a sudden, my door swung open and I looked at my father. He looked ... Scary to say at the least but I, I had become accustomed to this look and no longer showed fear.

He wasn't drunk but he was tipsy, I could tell by the way he was standing and looking at me.

I sighed and got up. I packed away my things into a bag along with some excess that I leave on my desk for 'emergencies' and before he could get to me, I walked into the bathroom. I could hear him advancing on me.




He was hitting the door and shouting obscenities at me.

I opened the window and went out. I always put a ladder there so when situations like this happen, I can get out safely.

I couldn't stay there tonight, it's too dangerous.

I took out a hoodie I had packed and put it on as it was a little cold out tonight. I could still hear screaming and shouting coming from my house.

I just walked off with my hands in my pockets and thought about where to go.

I ended up sleeping on a park bench which was uncomfortable as hell but I used to my backpack as a pillow.

*End of flashback*

My stomach was gurgling and it was loud. I hadn't eaten dinner last night or breakfast this morning.

The bell rung and although the library isn't at all popular, few students still come in and I couldn't be asked to listen to their bullshit whispering today so I went up to the roof of the school.

Nobody really knows about this place. I leaned against the wall.

I guess no lunch now either.

I rest my head on the wall just thinking about how messed up my life is - god knows why I'm not in drugs and shit right now though all the crappy medication I'm given is kind of the same.

''Sshh,'' a girl whispered and giggled ''Are you sure no-one's up here?'' She asked in a whisper.

The guy didn't whisper. ''I checked earlier, no-ones here okay and you don't have you whisper.''

What I they gonna do? Have sex on a goddamn roof; I highly doubt they're just going to sit and talk.

''What the hell are you doing here vampire?'' The boy spat.

Everyone calls me vampire. Idiots. It's because I'm never seen to go out during the day unless it's school, I always sit in the darkest of places, the back of our homeroom has dimmed lights however they might as well be broken and I still sit there and because I'm so damn reserved I had no friends.

I wanted to avoid trouble as I felt so out of it that I simply said ''leaving'' And left.

(A/N: Almost 100 reads! And I'm going to try make the chapters longer.)

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